Greeting all! I found these picking through my garbage in my courtyard are they worth anything? I think im going to keep them but I might be able to be persuaded otherwise. They are brother and sister therefore shall only go together. Warning/ Disclaimer: Firebreaths for over 97+dmg in combination with the flamestrike/teleport/paralyze spams frequently! If these traits do not excite your inner PVM loving soul, these are unfortunately not the killing machines for you. SB: 8 mil BO: 10mil 48/24 Timer Auction ends 48 hours after first bid, if more than one bid the auction will end 24 hrs from the last bid. They are trained up a little and bonded already. Plat at 8k hc at 3.5k Will accept premium property & high end items. Some people like sandals and houses to look cool. Some people like dragons and weapons that one shot people.
Been using these a lot lately trying to get some extra funds.. They are amazing.. & aren’t even 7x....everyday I grow more fond and less likely to sell... just saying. Bump!