Up for sale today is this 3-node SST just screens away from the Cove moongate. The three reachable nodes from inside are iron, copper, and gold, or DC, bronze, or agapite when mined using gargoyle pickaxes for eles (shadow, gold, and verite when using prospector's tools)! That is every color ingot except valorite available from the safety of your own home! There are 3 additional nodes directly outside (2 iron and 1 shadow), which are all easy to trap in the house with some more vigilant mining. SB: 175k BO: 350k BI: 25k Property will be sold with golem traps included (chests, ore, and gold not included), so you will be all set to start mowing down elementals with poison fields, axes, both, or whatever as soon as our trade is finished!