Selling Drags, Mares, and WW

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Vino, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Vino

    Vino New Member

    Dec 7, 2013
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    Dragons put new drags and mares up as of 8/13/2014

    SA1= 825/818/99/459 Brown $15k
    SA2= 819/806/87/470 Brown
    SA3= 805/820/92/467 Red
    SA4= 804/808/99/445 Brown
    SA5= 801/819/94/442 Red
    SA6= 802/810/90/475 Red
    SA7= 818/813/91/473 Red
    SA8= 823/824/95/440 Brown $15k
    SA9= 818/819/87/439 Brown
    SA10= 754/751/112/406 Pure WW

    *All other drags are $10k* I put the ones at $15k for having 2 close to max stats outta the 4*


    M1= 515/504/90/94
    M2= 512/514/86/121
    M3= 514/523/86/105
    M4= 510/524/102/90

    No mare is pure and the mares are selling for $12k. Contact me in IRC preferably.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2014

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