I have in my hands, 6 Phoenix Armor deeds...enough to make an entire suit. I will leave them as deeds in case the buyer intends to be silly and make 6 gorgets or something. Who am I to judge? Since I am leaving them as deeds, here are some stock photos of the deed menu and the suit. s/b 5 mill no silly small increases, please I accept gold and/or plat @ 6k per Also accepting: blessed runebook @ 1.5 mill or ethy horse @ 3 mill Ends 48 hours after the last bid
Holy Pimpness! they don't happened to be blessed by any chance like in regular UO? even if it was crappy AR total id be wearing it for good..=)
These are newbied so they can't be stolen if in your main pack, and you will not lose any pieces upon death when wearing!
Thanks for all the great comments. This was a LOT of hard work to put together. Once redeemed, the armor is indeed newbied.
I had an argument with Telamon a long time ago about this. His concern seemed to be the potential for a murderer to be running around in "blessed" armor and for the negative press it could create (on this forum and IRC, and elsewhere). I countered that (a) more protective armor is available for about one one-thousandth of the cost, (b) the armor is metal which is absolutely horrible for a mage (which represents 90+% of reds), and (c) who cares, it's era-accurate to be blessed. Anyways this was over a year ago we discussed this, so I hope I'm not mis-characterizing his position, but that was my takeaway.
Yeah, that was what I got from the convos I've had with him about it. It's very anti-red to take that stance and while I can respect that, I don't think it entirely fair. Reds also mostly all have blues and enticing people here with things that make it clear reds are important too, would be a good thing in my opinion. That said, no skin off my back as I only have one red and wouldn't ever bother putting him in this suit. I don't even really like the suit, only its rarity.
This thread was better than the Sears Christmas Toy catalog when I was younger. Lots of drools! Congrats Capt and TM! Super Epic Item.