If there is even a market for this sort of stuff. The nets are standard. PM me on here or IIRC and I'll respond when I wake up in the morning. Also looking to buy a Nightmare as well. I've had no luck with finding one.on my own unfortunately. I just got back into the game so I'm still learning the ropes.
I have a nightmare for you. I will buy all of your nets and amibs at market value. I’ll be home today at 1:30pm EST
Sounds good. I honestly dont know market value or where to look that up but I'm not an untrusting person. I'm off today so I'm sleeping in for the first time in awhile lol. I'll be around around 2 or 3 EST. I'll hit you up then.
MIBs go for around 900-1000 each, nets can range from 1500-2000 If you get on IRC go into the trade channel and type !pc MIB or !pc fishing net It will usually give the average price range of items