Selling leftover goodies. Gold only please. All prices are BO. A) 2 1151 Hue Holiday Stone Chair - 100k per B) Hue 1194 Rudolph Statue - 200k Pending C) Hue 1194 Xmas Chest - 100k Pending D) Hue 1193 Xmas Chest - 100k Pending E) Snow - 40k Pending F) 4 Keza Books(Nox, Grav, In, Wis) 150k for all G) Holiday Tree Deed - 100k Pending Good luck and thanks for the interest. Happy holidays and new year. Remember, all prices are BO. Thanks again.
@Shax @OreHound @Timbo21 I have your items for you. Can private msg me here to meet up or in discord. Karrelan in discord as well. Thanks.