Seth Able's Razor Display/Counter Bar

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Seth Able, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Seth Able

    Seth Able New Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    I know a lot of people already configure there razor display/counter bar, but some people asked me recently how to modify it, so i figured i'd share mine and provide a screenshot of how it can look. Please note I haven't configured my potions yet.

    The Syntax:
    {char} {crimtime}- {largestatbar} HP: ~#ff0000{hp}/{hpmax}~#~ Mana: ~#0099ff{mana}/{manamax}~#~ Stamina: ~#ffcc00{stam}/{stammax}~#~ Weight: ~#00cc00{weight}/{maxweight}~#~ -- Healing Timer: {bandage} {aids} {bp} {bm} {gl} {gs} {mr} {ns} {ss} {sa}


    * Image taken from my old DEAD shard.

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