Simple yet cool suggestions

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Zirokden, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Zirokden

    Zirokden New Member

    Aug 21, 2017
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    This suggestions are mostly non gameplay affecting, easy to make in a development perspective and imo, it would be super cool. Its mostly about animations.

    1-) Players are allowed to smith/mine with no items in hand. If the player has no item in hand and click a pickaxe, the pickaxe could be equipped. If ur hands were not empty, a message would appear stating you need the pick on your hands to mine. Same for smithing and other stuff.

    2-) Smithing Animations. I can hear the anvil bang, but i cant see the banging animation. Just a simple 'plz add the blacksmith animation'. Do animations whenever possible, they are cool, they give the game more realism and indicate what the other player is doing, they are not hard to code.

    3-) Whenever u cast a spell on a horse, as well, theres no animation. In a horse the animations you can use are not many but certainly anything could be better then being iddle. Also this would be a better indicator whenever a player starts a cast besides the power words.

    4-) Music: This is the one that could be a bit of work to complete, depending on how this was implemented in UOR. If music is handled client-sided only (randoming musics) then forget bout it , gonna be hard to change. If its serer-sided, i would love to see some musics being placed in cool spots.

    Thats it. I know UOR community is not very open to gameplay changeing, but this is just slight details that could add up to the overall UOR experience in my humble opinion.
    Imbol, gitchu1000 and OptimisticSam like this.
  2. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    1. Wouldn't happen since a lot of people mine with shovels, but when I do mine I usually have a pickaxe equipped as my backup tool and use shovels so it LOOKS like I'm mining with a pickaxe :D

    2. Would be cool, but there is too much on the high priority to-do list

    3. ?????

    4. Music: I was just thinking about the music in game yesterday. Some of the in game music is pretty awesome and brings back memories. Some of it sucks (The random looping music had a few tracks that were duplicate). You CAN change certain music though, which one thing I've done is change a few of the music files to new ones or older ultima tracks (just change the filename to the same thing). Some of the songs I can't seem to figure out how to trigger though, such as the forest themes that I remember. They are in the installation I just can't think of how they are triggered. Most towns have their own themes that are triggered when entering, taverns have music, the castle has music, and so on.

    It's not that we're against some changes, it's just that many of them will never happen. We've been waiting 4 or 5 years for clean up britannia, guildstone changes, carpentry bods, etc. and it still seems just as far away. I know some of that is due to Telamon having to deal with the many 30something year old kindergartners here on a daily basis but hopefully one day we'll see these things..... :)
    gitchu1000 likes this.
  3. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    I just wish I could get the music on Mac... So sad.
    Kiryana likes this.
  4. Mr. Green

    Mr. Green Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    If I’m translating correctly... he’s talking about adding character spell-cast animations while riding a horse.
    Imbol likes this.
  5. Imbol

    Imbol Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 1, 2017
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    If he's offering his services in making this stuff happen, then he exists independently of the server's given workload.

    This seems like a great opportunity to expand/modernize aesthetics.

    @Zirokden , I hope they bring you into the fold (and, thank you).
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  6. Cromwell

    Cromwell Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    How about stamina damage to war axe? Or did I miss it being implemented?

    Keepin it simple.
  7. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I just didn't have any comment and couldn't think of anything lol. Was more just confusion on my own part, not at what he wrote hehe.
  8. Zirokden

    Zirokden New Member

    Aug 21, 2017
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    Thats just a few ideas im pretty sure u guys would have tons of little tiny details that could be 'history perfected' as well.

    Ive sent a PM to Chris, if i could help i would gladly implement those things and many more. Hope it works out.
    Imbol and PaddyOBrien like this.
  9. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I have a request.... wearable pants under armor!! You can wear a shirt under armor... but why not pants??? Them chainmail leggings chafe!
    Althorn, Jill Stihl and Imbol like this.
  10. Imbol

    Imbol Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 1, 2017
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    No more gender restrictions on clothes/armor (leather skirts in particular).

    I went there, yes,

    and I could go further. :rolleyes:
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  11. Imbol

    Imbol Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 1, 2017
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    To piggyback off of this suggestion (a good one in particular for bone leggings), it would be nice for some items to take up no layers whatsoever (besides stacking duplicates on themselves, which would, of course, be a problem, ie. wearing 35 sashes).

    Sashes-over-tunics comes to mind. Hats, too, so long as they're worn with leather caps and/or bone helms. Only those two helms should be able to combined with hats, imo. Bandanas seem fine over plate helms/all helms...

    Straw hat w/ a bone helmet -- cool look. Leather cap and a jester hat -- life of the party. Plate helm with a bandana wrapped around -- watch out.

    Layers could also be reworked in general: show leather sleeves over tunics (like ringmail sleeves). Let overclothes be worn under armor. Let me wear a tunic *and* a surcoat over it. I'd like to wear my plate arms *over* my robe's sleeves (spiffy).

    So on and so forth. Mostly useless, but nice looks.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
    PaddyOBrien likes this.

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