Selling my smith bod collection in five equal chunks. Each package will contain the following BODs: 1 Valorite Runic BOD 2 Verite Runic BODs 3 Standing Armor BODs 2 Agapite Runic BODs 4 Phoenix Armor BODs 14 Gold Runic BODs 62 Brazier and Hanging Armor BODs With the exception of the Brazier/Hanging Armor BODs, there are guaranteed no duplicates in the above counts. Each book will be in a locked crate on my vendor Mario, along with 20 stones of something random for your safety. In the privacy of your own home, chop the box with an axe and see what you get! Each crate will be priced at 3M and is first-come, first-served. If you would like to trade something for gold to come up with the cash, shoot me a note in IRC and we'll see what we can do. I am mostly looking for a few particular decorative rares like monster statues, platinum, etc. Special thanks to Mackenzie for the photo bomb.