These have become as rare as rocking horse manure and I'd happily throw in a handsome amount of gold for a guild smith to make a bunch and add them to guild's bank for everyone to use/access.
If you can supply the blank deeds I can spin them into contracts. Or if you need repairs and I'm around I can do them for you.
We'll be setting up a Forge for the Knight's of Sosaria. It will have a Knight's Strongbox inside that anyone in the guild can get into by being friended to the Forge. Inside the Knight's Strongbox we will keep free-to-use items for the guild. Going forward, we'll start doing this in all our guild buildings. For starters, though, we'll have the Repair Contracts in the Forge's Knight's Strongbox once it gets decorated. Remember, these will essentially be "Grab Bags" for anyone in the guild, so only take what you need and don't use it for personal storage as someone else might just grab it and use it. In the meantime, i've got 40 Repair Contracts laying around if people need them.
You guys rock. There must be more than blank scrolls to go into make them. Let me know what else you'll need and I'll do my best to gather them.
I believe, unless this has changed recently, that you need blank deeds rather than scrolls to make them here. They should be sold by the minter/bankers.