Hey guys - you know the drill - kills elves good.. Start the bidding at 5k Goes till I say its over. Buy my bardiche of might and repond!!!
psh .. i know theres no accurancy modifier but still cheap compared to what people are trying to sell Repond for. Buy this! (consider this a bump)
^ yeah for that price u can take it to overland spawns... I just didn't understand how there were 0 bids since yesterday and it had to be bumped.
if theres no more bids by 2pm tomorrow ill end it... odd there's not more action on it, but good deal Hala if your bid of 20k stands.
daily bump - nixing that 2pm end time due to Hazy's bid - moved it to 11 pm tonight. If no bids by 11 pm (Eastern) then its your Hazy, for 30k.