Yeah. I don't like to comment on pricing typically, since peeps are free to ask whatever they want. But this stuff just doesn't sell for that kind of price. I sold a pair of legs at something like 200k? Not because I felt like it, peeps just weren't willing to pay more than that. Once, years ago, a couple pieces of this stuff sold for these kinds of numbers, but you have to understand that this was a totally different server at that point. There were many vets that were all swimming in gold. While some of those vets are still around today, a ton of them aren't, and of the peeps that are still around, very few are bidding these kinds of numbers on these kinds of things. Especially with these armors. With 4 different hues dropping, and 5 potential pieces, the odds of seeing the set are just silly low. To a buyer, this is a LONG term investment, that very possibly will never even come to fruition if they want a full set.