He did make off with a treasure map I already decoded today. I just hadn't dug it up yet. Level 6 too! I had to track him down, kill and dry loot him for his crimes but it was fun on both sides, I'm sure.
You were lucky that a witness showed up. Else it would have been 5 lvl6 maps! Although I can sell you some of them if you need more. Sidenote: And honestly, as soon as that toon was nonstop callling me a bitch and a scumbag, I was quite sure it had to be a toon of Blaise.
Don't be such a baby. I call all thieves loving names, moreso when I'm on my cop character. Let's not pretend thy profession is noble or worthy of praise from anyone other than scoundrels and criminals. No witnesses were necessary. I was only there on business briefly and decided to finally bring home the half a dozen maps in the bank. Fortunately, I keep my journal open and noticed the message about having a map stolen. I hid a couple screens up, gated in my cop from my house and had a bit of a stabbing. It was fun all in all but what kind of cop would I be if I didn't talk shit in the process?
Ok, knowing that you are all aware and shitting on poor thieves like a real cop, I will call all my buddies next time! We will gank st3al0r y0r st|_|FF with one swipe *shows blaise the magic fingers* Let's talk business. I am going to make you an offer you can't refuse.
I appreciate the offer but I'm all chocked full of goods that haven't been stolen from others. Thanks though.