Special moves

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qnidopi, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Qnidopi

    Qnidopi New Member

    Aug 4, 2015
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    Most of my experiance with ultima is in AOS era. I know which are the 3 special move for 2-handed weapons: Concussion blow, Crushing blow and para blow. Can you help me with some details?

    1) Para blow - how long does it last and is it broken by dmg? i found the answer in forum
    2) Concussion blow - what it does here? Deffinetly not what it did in AoS; i found i reduces inteligence by 25 - but for how long? And does it work ot Monsters? I fought an orcish mage and no matter how many concussion blow i made he was still casting a lot.
    3) Crushing blow - how much bonus dmg it does? 50% or 100%? found the answer in forum

    Also, what the idea with the Orcish bow? What the difference compared to the normal?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015

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