I found the other guides to not work as well for me when it comes to stealing, so I went about it in my own way working off the basis of other things I had read. What I have come up with is probably THE easiest way to GM stealing. You will need one bag, 20 empty bottles, and a house. This will cost you about 450 gold and roughly 35 hours if you start at 0 stealing. It will cost you just under 350 gold to buy up the stealing skill, which can be trained by the thief guildmistress who is located just outside of the tavern across from West Britain Bank. To train up the skill say "NPC train stealing" substituting NPC for the guildmistress' name. Drop whatever the amount of gold requested is on the NPC and it will train up your skill to about 35. Then head over to the provisioner and buy a bag, then keep headed east until you reach the mage shop where you can buy the 20 empty bottles from the alchemist. Now you just need to get into a house and lock the door. Stand in the middle of the house, put the bag on the floor, put the bottles in the bag, and then run the macro below until you GM. Pretty simple. Code: !Loop Assistant.Macros.UseSkillAction|33 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|3 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1076683261|73|60|0|3854 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01.5000000 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|3854|20 Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x417DF54E|(-1, -1, 0)|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:08.5000000 You will need to re-target the absolute target to the bottles in the bag and you may need to re-target the drop area. Otherwise that's it for setup. Do not convert the absolute target to by type, it will try to target your backpack rather than the bag. If you need to know how to make a macro, visit this link: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=868 Good luck! P.S. - You need to be at least 7 days old and have I believe 70 stealing to join the thieves guild, which will allow you to steal from other players. Until then you are limited to stealing from NPC's and their strongboxes.
Stealing the bottles themselves is far less efficient, especially at higher levels. The stealing skill is difficulty based, so when you attempt to steal something that is too easy, you have less chance of gaining the skill. When you attempt to steal from a stack of bottles, the number bottles attempted is randomized. For example, if your stealing skill is 80 and you attempt to steal from a stack of 20 bottles, the system will randomly choose a number between 1 and 8 (the max based on 80 skill). Stealing 1 bottle (1 stone) at 80 skill will almost never result in a skill gain because it's too easy. The solution to this is to manually control the number of bottles and therefor the weight of the attempt. Instead of targeting the bottles directly, place a specific number of bottles inside another bag and attempt to steal this new bag. As your skill increases, raise the weight of each attempt. Each bottle weights 1 stone and the bag is 2 stones, so use this: Skill....Weight 30-40...4 stones 40-50...5 stones 50-60...6 stones 60-70...7 stones 70-80...8 stones 80-90...9 stones 90-100...10 stones
Yes that is more efficient, but this way you can do it entirely unattended and don't have to worry about retargets or anything like that.