Suggestion- Limiting Box

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Sauryn, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Sauryn

    Sauryn Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Hello all, I had an idea that popped up while training some skills. One thing this server has in spades is a great community with players that are willing to give to others in a way I haven't seen elsewhere. This statement is far reaching, but for now I am talking about the willingness to have houses with items for others to use in training, like the provocation training house in Occlo, the lockpicking house in Yew, the freesist training sessions, and sometimes I find a rune library with scrolls in a chest- all graciously donated items freely available for all.

    The downside to this, of course, is the susceptibility to looters and griefers taking everything, dissuading players from such generosity. I present a possible solution that can act as both a gold/plat sink as well as a means to promote others to support such endeavors as previously mentioned- the limiting box!

    The limiting box is a container that the owner can set the number of 'withdrawals' allowed per account/IP per day. This could be low, for something like a rune library allowing only one recall scroll per day, or a bit larger for bandage removal for a training house. In this way, players can give to the community with the reassurance that someone isn't going to swipe all their donated goods.

    Such an advance in container technology does not come without a price, of course. Such a box could cost 10 plat (adjustable by staff), providing an effective gold sink. The other idea I had when writing this would be for something like a Halloween candy bucket outside homes, where homeowners can limit 1 item from a chest of goodies outside their door. Think of the overworld exploration if such a container became widespread!

    Please discuss the pros and cons of such a revolutionary thinking and observing container!
    Halabinder and Zyler like this.
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I like the idea. I think you could charge a lot more platinum for something so great. It would open all kinds of doors by giving players tools to run events/programs that encourage server growth. It needs to count as a secure.
    Halabinder and Sauryn like this.

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