Building a peace/dexxer…. I have been using swords up until now. Im at about 78 or so but I have never ran a macer….Had a fencer way back before T2A. Was fun but I never 'loved" any of the weapons. For swords the Katana is sweet and my all time favorite…The Halberd…Love it. I found a decent mace and started using it. Got up to about 44 or so, I know nothing impressive but I bought a war hammer and man that thing hits HARD! Thinking about switching to maces…Just curious about the pros and cons of each because I really don't know much about it.
One of the bigger benefits of maces - lowering monster stamina so they swing slower - isn't as useful on a peacer, cause hopefully you're persuading them not to hit you! For that reason, I'd go with swords, which has the most item types and thus the most slayers available. Since you're not using LJ, you could presumably get a decent price on the non-axe slayers.
Good point….Maybe I will make a pure warrior mace fighter. Could be fun….Does LJ help with all two handed weapons such as war hammer or just axes?
Dalavar has it mostly correct. However, you do have 3 accounts and 15 character slots. The peace dexxer is one of the easiest builds to macro, perhaps think about making one of each. I have a bard/dexxer for each of the weapon classes, except macing at the moment. However, if in the event I get some crazy nice slayer in a mace I would just drop fencing or archery and pick up macing. Weapon skills take a matter of hours to GM from 0. Swapping back and forth isn't really an issue either. I would suggest picking the weapon class that compliments your best slayer weapon.