
Discussion in 'Guides' started by kendro, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. kendro

    kendro Member

    May 27, 2014
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    Hello. So I've got one GM tailor on this server had a great time getting him there and now that he is pretty much a finished character i enjoy playing him which is mostly just gathering leather. I do so with an axe. I've gotten swords, tactics, and anatomy to GM and will have lumberjacking GM befor to long so I can do a whole lot of damage with an axe while killing stuff to gather the leather. Makes for quick gathering without having to use regs or draging tamed creatures around. Very simple. anyways. my first character I went to delucia to gm which went very well. I also started at 50 tailoring. This time I'm gonna gm tailoring with my carpenter so I've trained the skill from 0 from an npc. I won't call this a guide exactly but I'm going to mess around with it and see what gives me the best skills instead of the cheapest use of cloth because cloth is sooo easy and free to get. First I gathered about 24k cloth from marking runes to cotton fields, flax fields, and sheep pens. Of course this is someone who has already got a foothold on the server so it may not go so easily for people just starting on the server but if you start in occlo and gather cotton from those fields I think you will do just fine. So I got my cloth I trained from an npc and I bought a lot of sewing kits now I found a safe place and stared macroing. I went ahead and started with making fancy dresses. It does use more cloth but like I said I had plenty of it and as I kept macroing it I was getting great gains so I would suggest making fancy dresses after training from an npc. A rough explanation of the macro i used is I recorded using the sewing kit and clicking make last. recorded use scissors cut fancy dress. I changed double click by type sewing kit. left the double click scissors as it was and changed the target of the scissors to target by type fancy dress.on the wait for target after the double click scissors command i changed that to pause for .33 sec. thats what i do for most wait for target commands. gives it a milisec to catch up and actually click the fancy dress and not skip that step. Than I did an if command. If weight is less than or equal to 150 execute restock agent 1 which my restock agent 1 was set to restock my backpack with 3000 cloth. i set the restock agent as type ` so in game when i recored it i typed ` and than it asked me to click the container i wanted to restock from which i clicked the container with my 24k cloth in it. I did this cause i'm watching the macro as i type this. if you plan on leaving for a few hours i would not put all the cloth you have gathered into that container only have a portion of it in there or you will keep making fancy dresses long after you stop gaining skill. Anyways that was it in a nut shell for now main thing i wanted to say about the beggining of GMing tailoring is that i would go with fancy dresses. I'm waiting for my chance to make cloaks to raise more befor I switch to that. Befor I do tho i'm going to try other things but I don't see anything else that has the right success chance that i'm looking for. As I progress this tailor I will record what I do here and try to find the best skill gains with little regard to how much cloth it takes because it's free and so easy to get as I say again and again lol. Once i stop making fancy dresses I'll record on here what skill it says without show real and what skill it shows with show real on and what item I'll be macroing next and what ones i tried befor making my final decision. Happy hunting and good luck UO players. I switched to cloaks at 37 show real and 50 without show real on. that may be a little off but I had a 66% chance to succeed at making a cloak when i switched over and stayed with cloakes. Ganing great! I let my macro run while i slept for while it made cloaks till i ran outta cloth and I got to 76.4 so I did that in one day and most of it within a matter or hours. once I gathered up another 15k cloth I tried a few oil cloths and the gains were not good so I tried robes and the gains are much better maybe even good I'll let it run another 30 mins and see how much i've gained. right now i'm watching it kinda close to see if switching over to oil cloths will be ideal. I'm thinking that if I get the success chance of oil cloths to about 66 the gains will be good enough to switch over to the oil cloths and that will let me be able to run those without gathering much more cloth if any till I need to switch to studded leather gorgets or whatever I test and I believe is gaining me best. so since I had my carpenty and tinkering high enough already I got my carpenter high enough skill in tailoring to have the possiblity of making a boat! I'll see how these robes work out and report when I switch over to oil clothes or if I decide to macro making something different here shortly. Hello again. so i got my success chance with oil cloths to 58% chance and went ahead and switched over to making those and the gains have been good and i think are getting better. maybe that means I switched over a bit to soon but thats ok cause oil cloths are cheap and you can make the decision yourself if you plan to GM tailoring and use this record to help you do it. At the moment I am at 75.6 show real and 80.5 without show real. I havn't been macroing it all day so in my opinion this isn't half bad. I spent most the day gathering cloth, casual playing, and killing some elementals at the elemental attack! :) Seems like everytime I check out the tailors screen I see a skill gain so good deal. Now that I'm making oil cloths I won't switch to making another item for some time till about 90ish skill. I may make them till 95 might go till 99.6 just somewhere in the 90s I will switch from oil clothes to some sort of studded leather. At this point especially when I get to 98 and 99 skill in skills mostly crafting skills I will really play around with it and make all sorts of different items with different success chances mostly 50% to 70ish% success chances just to see if I get a reaction out of gains. maybe it helps maybe it hurts maybe it doesn't matter its just something i've always done. Alright once I get past 90 skill I will record a lil more of what I do. take care. Heya. I'm going to say this right quick if you want to gm as quickly as possible I would go ahead and buy a bunch of leather and start making some sort of leather item with a 66ish % success chance at 90 skill maybe more like 92-94 cause you still get there pretty quick with cloth. I myself am going to keep making oil clothes because i'm using all my leather for my characters and putting suits on a vendor. If you go to delucia with a gm melee skill and tactics you can gather lots of normal leather and just work the tailor as you gather the leather and that will maybe get you gm faster than the cloth but maybe taking the time to gather the leather is making it about the same as just making the oil cloths. either way is a great method in my opinion so pick one and go for it! anyways i'm making oil clothes till 99 at that point i've done decided i'm switching to leather probably spined leather cause its safest for me to gather and I can get so much of it. Hello again it is done the macro got to 99.6 which we already know oil cloth will get us there and I set the macro to studded gorgets with about 400 leather and it went to gm very quickly so i don't see it getting much better than that and that would be the way to go after 99.6. maybe even start making gorgets sooner than 99.6 if you have the leather for it and want to gm faster cause once i started making gorgets it was skill gain after skill gain and i'm thinking it would be like that probably at 98 till gm maybe lower. but the macro was set while i was gone so didn't find out this run but i do need more BOD'S so maybe theres another tailor to be made LOL. anyways seems like the only thing i seen that i would change about other guides is making fancy dresses after training tailoring from an npc cause it was really fast gains until i could make cloaks with a 66% chance to succeed. also i would have an ample amount of leather for once you hit anywhere from 98-99 and start making studded gorgets if not gather 400 leather and make em till gm! have fun and have a good one all hope this helps anyone with a streak for improving existing methods just to see if it might be improved and i hope it just helps in general. either way see you in game and happy hunting!

    Last edited: Jun 13, 2014
    Basoosh likes this.
  2. kendro

    kendro Member

    May 27, 2014
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  3. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Is there a tl;dr version of this ?
  4. kendro

    kendro Member

    May 27, 2014
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    tl'dr ? not sure what that means
  5. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Kendro, oil cloth can take you to 99.6 tailoring. Studded gorgets to 100.

    Check this guide out.
  6. kendro

    kendro Member

    May 27, 2014
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    yeah thats what i did with my first gm tailor i'm just messing around seeing if anything gains me faster than studded gorgets. I'm sorta seeing if things will gain you skill faster at different skill levels with little regard to how much leather and cloth it takes. both are so easy to get and I have so much of it that it don't matter how much I use i just want to gain faster if that makes sence. sometimes i just like recording things and using trial and error to see if I can improve on it or just gather info about it maybe its the geek in me having a scientific method mood thing and i'm recording everything I do cause of it lol. i dont do it all the time but sometimes its just what i feel like doing.
  7. KungFu_Ninja

    KungFu_Ninja Member

    May 18, 2014
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    tl;dr stands for Too Long; Didn't Read.

    Your post has no paragraphs or spacing so its a bit of a hard read and quite long.
  8. kendro

    kendro Member

    May 27, 2014
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    right right someone brought that to my attention

    So I will keep it in mind :)

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