Just found the shard and getting started. I have not played since'96? or 97? Question: I started a fisher. How do I sell bulk steaks to the Vendors? It looks like I can only sell 5 at a time? Thanks for any help! GoB
Hey GOB, welcome to UOR. I have a fisher too, there is no way around the selling of 5 steaks at a time. However you will make alot of money off the other drops you can get out of fishing up sea serps Keen to go for a fish some time? join irc im always in there. If you need any help just let me or any of the fine players here know and we will be happy to help where we can. Best Regards TiMi
You can use the Razor Sell Agent to sell them more quickly. It's still only 5 it will sell 5 each time you say vendor sell until the vendor is out of gold.
Welcome to UOR Good Ole' Boy! I would advise you make 2-3 fishers instead of just one. Once you have one GM you can boat everyone, the GM will be pulling sos/tmaps while others are finishing GMing Id get some magery on at least one before hand though, those sea serps are tough with no one to kill it. Lemme know if you need some help, be glad to help. Lots of great guides to look at when starting here. Good luck