The 300 Pound Gorilla (Team Trammel)

Discussion in 'Power of the Night [PwN]' started by TrojanCow, May 8, 2014.

  1. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Feb 16, 2014
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    I'd like to give some friendly advice to this guild. Take it for what it's worth. What I say is being said with the knowledge that Mes and TT are going to read this and get some amusement from it. I am attempting to be a little discerning.

    1) This guild's only real obstacle has only really ever been, it should be obvious, Team Trammel (TT): Mes, Les Claypool, Blaise, PuntSpeedChunk, Napo, and whoever else. This post from Marine about "everyone is welcome, even reds" is, IMO, absurd and spineless. The only reds that threaten a guild that has grown as large as PwN is TT and if you think they are not going to PK you whenever they are in the mood, you are seriously deluded. This is the fact: they will attack you when it amuses them to do so no matter what Mes tells you, and if they can't kill you due to your numbers, they will show up on their blues and "leech" platinum or grief the spawn. You are nothing but sheep to them. Your only purpose is to entertain them with your losses or inflate their e-peens and/or kill counts.

    Some of you have been talking about forming a PVP guild. I hope you all, especially the PVP veterans from Atlantic, do it together. I'm not sure if Stranger or Sunshine are really going to form a new guild, but I hope if they do, you will either join them or work with them. You'll want to at least be able to match TT's numbers, and probably excel them until you've polished off the PVP rust. It doesn't matter if you stay in PwN or form another champ guild. TT will be a problem for you either way, and I am not blaming them or flaming them. This is UO, not Minecraft. Either way, if you want to do champ spawns, either do it in remote locations as quietly as possible, or grow some balls. Fight off their reds and when they come in on their blues at the last minute to get free platinum, kill them with your reds or wait until the very moment they start blasting the champ and take counts on them. Coordinate doing this every time they appear until your counts are full and, though it might not ultimately stop them, it will annoy the shit out of them.

    Also, target Mes (aka Soul Harvester aka Roland aka Cuthbert aka Dangeresque (I think)) first if you can. Trust me, it will make a difference in the long run.

    Disclaimer: this is the direct opposite of what your new guildmaster wants and is just my opinion

    2) This business about Mes having spies in the guild. This is a tight knit server. You don't have to even try to put "spies" in a guild to have spies in a guild, especially one as large as PwN is/was. There are a lot of people on good terms with TT, i.e. Bart, Kali, probably quite a few others, and word often gets spread indirectly. I seriously doubt you can go off and form another guild with open, even if it is selective, recruitment, and not have your business get out. Be smart about it. If you want to find out who is talking, you'll need to plant information and do process of elimination. Most likely, I would like to suggest, TT is not getting its information from spies as much as the "grapevine" and just scouting around. Which isn't to say they don't have tight friends in PwN, but that the larger problem might be your giant footprints.

    3) Good luck! This guild helped me get established tremendously and has been a lot of great fun. No matter where yawl go or what guild you form, it's been a blast. (not quitting, just saying in case I get kicked or PwN fragments)

    4) Moo.
    Mes likes this.
  2. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    First of all I want to clarify that Blaise, while definitely a good friend of mine, is not a dirty griefing scumbag like the others you mentioned. It's also only fair that Pikka and Liberation make it on the list since they clearly do their part to ruin the server for all you fine, honest people. Also it might not be accurate to label them all TT members, but that's splitting hairs really, those listed are definitely some of my close friends. There's a couple more that haven't been mentioned, but since it's a shitlist I'll spare the rest of them.

    In response to PwN's only obstacle and the traumas, both physical and emotional, daily inflicted upon your tender avatars by that obstacle: I half-sincerely apologize. It has been for some time our policy that before squeezing the life out of a PwN member, we always don our softest golden gauntlets. This was not always the case, however, but when TT joined shadowlords we did not want our acts to reflect on non TT members in the faction and we did not find our murderers challenged enough to feel right about being truly ruthless. I'm sure some people have been here long enough to testify that you could once expect to be dry looted and left stranded.

    However as we became more invested in this community it became important to us that our acts not hurt server growth or make others feel like this was not the shard for them. Truthfully I think we had the ability all along to prevent a guild like PwN from thriving. There was a time when we had an agreement not to interrupt a champ spawn, but as it became more of a place for people we had labeled as enemies to hide in comfortably we encroached more on those spawns. We still have tried to exercise some restraint, and continue not looting and make an effort to res people and not kill them more than once (although exceptions are sometimes made for special people.) This is less a set of rules we have and more a general agreement among the group. We are just a circle of friends and have no real rules, just an attempt to respect each other and have fun together. If you want to know "who fired first?": in my eyes, O^S did. We worked a despise spawn, they showed up at the end to hit the boss, which was fine, but Hatecrime and Hazy dumped on one of our alts and put him in stat. I couldn't justify keeping everyone's reds out of spawns past that point. (I recognize you are not O^S, and actually, we have no particular beef with O^S anymore than we do you, but you do a lot of the same things together and harbor a lot of the same people).

    Having said that, I think it goes without saying that I don't expect to be thrown any parades nor nominated for a Nobel Order of Badass. We play reds sometimes and some people fume at the slightest sign of dirty griefers griefing them with their awful griefing grieffaces. It's a constant struggle for me(us) to decide when we've crossed the line or we are being poor sports. The Stormhold Siege is a perfect example. We interpreted the concept of the event as something that fit the chaos our murderers would bring - others saw it as disruptive and purely an attempt to ruin the event and harass them. Next time I think we may not come on reds. I emphatically object to the notion that we would purposefully ruin a player event, and I'd like to think that our group includes some of the most consistent supporters of player run events both through hosting, participation, donation, and good sportsmanship.

    In re to spies: Kali helping pks find victims? You couldn't possibly know Kali if you ever considered that one. I'm not in your guild, nor your vent. There is no extensive spy network. Perhaps a small amount of it is word of mouth and a tight-knit community as you said. But mostly it's because every evening you're in despise. If you weren't, and I really cared, there's only like 9 other places you could be. I wrote the guide on the champ spawns, btw, I know where they are. But we're not even really looking for you. I did get to your Harrower before you did, mainly because I thought it would be a fun and shocking way for you to kick off a private Harrower.

    In re to leeching plat: lately this has been somewhat true. I don't feel particularly guilty. You've been there I assume, so you know that 5 people work the spawn and 20 people kill the boss. This is true for your guildmates as well. This might be an issue with the system and Telamon may have plans to change this. Or perhaps you could be more charitable and stop thinking of it as stealing! TT hosted the first two Harrowers the server saw with the work of 3 people (actually in the case of oaks we recruited some very kind people). They were public events, scheduled in advance with the hope that everyone could benefit. As a Shadowlords (and not simply TT) group we hosted two more Harrowers this year, also public and scheduled events free for all to join (including our sworn enemies).

    But I can see as how we might still be unwelcome visitors to your spawns - and if you choose to attack us, I respect that. I recall watching Stranger and Sunshine self destruct attempting this just days ago - but perhaps you will come prepared with a better strategy.

    And finally in response to the reception of this post, I hope no PwN member considers TrojanCow's advice to be damaging to the guild as a whole. He simply is trying to help build a working plan for how to deal with the TT problem. No person that he called out will look to punish PwN for this post. We have no hard feelings.

    TLDR: I'm not saying I'm asking for handjobs...but I'm not saying I'm turning them down either.


    Pretty accurate guess TrojanCow!
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  3. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    I think TT/W^T has been pretty upstanding thus far with allowing spawns. They certainty have the power to shut them down from the get go.

    Honestly, that's what felluca spawns have always been about. I don't think they've even started taking the boss yet either, which would really piss people off, but it's part of raiding champs.

    You have a few options, you can rally together and try to fight them off with your tamers/bards, or have a selection of people dedicated to working the spawn on pvmers and a selection of people dedicated to defending the spawn on pvpers (just give the pvpers a payoff at the end).

    Spawns aren't going to be getting easier so it's becoming more important to play as a team, all in vent, all coordinated, all the time.
    Athena likes this.
  4. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Mes, that pic is awesome. I skimmed through part of your response and it really felt like that badass space commander was narrating it.

    Even though you're wtfebul, at least you have some sense of humor.

    Every champ guild, past present and future, please heed the succinct and sagacious advice of Cynic. Passivity and neutrality have no place in UO.
  5. marine1217

    marine1217 Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Trojancow, I am not even going to go into details. I will say I am not spineless... We have in the past had reds there who came just for plat. Should we start petty war's over plat when we get it? OR allow anyone too come but If we have too defend ourselves then we do?
  6. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    I just want to say I really like where this is headed. Also, I will take the majority of the blame for being the instigator of most of the attacks on your spawns.


  7. marine1217

    marine1217 Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    I know you like where this is headed.
  8. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    I need to come to spawns more often....

    I had paragraphs written, but this thread already has giant walls of text! I would hate for mine to fall and crush someone underneath.

    Its a game, Its hard to keep that in perspective at times. That's probably why we still play this old thing.
  9. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    The only reason they havent shut down every spawn is because they piss their pants when they see dragons and 3 TT havent yet found a way to deal with 10-15 tamers with dragons working a spawn. In fact, one of their own members said "Eventually we will find a way to deal with your dragons and then its over". Mes is good at writing politically correct speaches but everything he says is bullshit. Listen to their ego driven live feeds. Mes in irc "This stormhold event is unique and great" mes in vent "This event is stupid and the payout is shit." The guy wants to be loved by everyone while also being a shithead. Stop buying into his bullshit people. There is a back story behind all the bullshit he spews about pwn, which is more likley? Group of reds started shit first? Or group of bards and tamers working a spawn activly seeked out the reds and asked for a fight? Give me a break.
  10. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    Lol you crazy
  11. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    Where do I sign up for joining TT? These guys sound like total Nobel Badasses. I wanna be one.
  12. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Normally only no life griefing griefers qualify. A married man with a stable income, weighing less than 300 pounds wouldn't be allowed typically, but if your griefing goes above and beyond i think an exception could be made
    One, [Mobolin] and corruption like this.
  13. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    I guess you're wrong about us not being able to shut a spawn down and take it over.
    corruption likes this.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Stranger hella mad, yo.

    While I thank you for the inclusion, I've only hopped into one or two forays at the champs on my red, Glenn Quagmire. I've never had a character in TT and in fact, was one of their first enemies. I hope they still have my old valorite plate suit as a memento. :) I hunted them with all the gusto of a stupid kid with a toy sword trying to take on an army.

    In any regard, what Mes said is absolutely accurate.

    When I finally get done moving RL and have more time to get back at it, I wholly intend to be working champion spawns in a way that was indicated above. With a fair split of PvM and PvP characters, to be ready to hold down the fort. I'm certain that just as before, when they got here, no love will be lost in the field over a good fight. I don't prefer to fight friends because the passion for victory is entirely different in my perspective. Fighting anyone you can remotely consider an enemy is far more pleasurable. This can be evidenced by the folks that get the dirty end of the TT stick. They've chosen to make a big deal out of people playing the game, and so a big deal is made.

    I welcome reds and hope to get good fights in on all sides and hope no one gets butt hurt about who's killing who out there.
    corruption likes this.

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