The Adventures of Geebee

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Halabinder, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Short back story. My brother, best friend, brother's friend and myself have started playing on UOR at different times during the last couple of months. My best friend Tom, my brother and I all started out on OSI before AOS and have played on various servers over the years. My brother's friend who's character name is Geebee has played from time to time on Free servers along with my brother. But prior to UOR he had never maxed out a skill. Or if he did, it was Swordsmanship because he was whacking at things. Never healing... In other words and as much as I dislike using the word, Geebee is a n00b at UO. But that also gives him the ability to have the kinds of adventures I wish I still could.

    Earlier in the day Tom mentioned there was a Dragon in front of Despise. Our houses are near there and he buys stuff from the vendor shop in front of the dungeon. A little while later he informed me that after dying 5 times, he has managed to reward me with my very own dragon in my cozy little Small Stone Tower... I was out of the house and unable to address this issue at the time, so I forgot about it.

    A few hours later while I am entertaining some friends I get a text. The following is the word for word conversation I had excluding some off topic stuff:

    Geebee - Yo I went in your house. Your dragon got out.
    G - It nearly killed me.
    Me - hahaha That's awesome. ****ing Tom dragged it to my house.
    G - Cool amazing I survived huh
    G - Poison and Fireballs
    G - And Magic
    Me - Oh ya dragons are crazy (thinking - Right! He has never fought a dragon before.)
    G - Why he brought to your house?
    Me - So I would die when I logged in...
    G - Well that backfired!
    (A bunch of talk about Stats and stuff because I showed him how to raise them using 10x10 recently.)
    G - Tom must be good if he got the dragon in your house
    Me - He died 5 times doing it.
    G - Wow! It followed me. Lucky I was ready with cure potions.
    G - I thought it was tame, that's why I went in.. And sat next to it haha (Why wouldn't he? The only dragons he has seen have been people's pets in town.)
    G - I was trying to outrun a fireball, it followed corners, crazy...
    Chris and Jupiter like this.
  2. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 5, 2013
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    Haha awesome. "Poison, fireballs, and magic..."
  3. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    By "magic" he must be referring to Curse. It reduces his stats, so he calls it magic.

    Geebee thought that was my dragon and he accidentally attacked it when he was dropping stuff off at my house. He was concerned he let my dragon out of the house which was why he contacted me in the first place. It was a "oops I let your dragon out. Go get it back before it's too late."

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