The ClockWork Oracle - A Village of Paws Relic

Discussion in 'Village of Paws [VoP]' started by Jupiter, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    As originally announced in the Sosarian Sentinel, here is the story of the Clockwork Oracle!

    Sosarian Sentinel Ed II

    a clockwork oracle fashioned out of wood and mystery

    "Jupiter. Jupiter."

    The thoughts invaded his mind; they seemed much like the Sapphire Maiden's yet she never intruded.

    "For many long ages I have observed this realm from the forests and the leaves as an eternal being. Yet, I feel something now.. a foreign concept. A human concept of loneliness. How I used to enjoy watching the seedlings of humanity frolick through my saplings."

    With slight unease, Jupiter addressed this presence in his mind, "Please forgive this poor foolish Wizard, but your majesty, I know not of you, nor how the race of men would call you."

    "You simple fool, you need not worry, I shall not smite you. I am known as The Great Old One, to a few I am known as Shub-Niggurath, to you I shall be known as the Lord of the Wood."

    "My mistress, I welcome you further into my mind. Please, tell me why you now, in the darkness of the night, whisper thoughts to this humble wizard."

    "I have long sought out a safe haven, where I, in the vulnerable mortal form could dwell for a glancing moment among the creatures I have for so long adored. My sister, the Mother of the Sapphire Maiden, has found Paws a suitable location to serve as safe haven for her children. I therefore request the same grace."

    "The grace is not ours to give, but yours to have at your good will and pleasure mistress. Speak only where shall we find you in your corporeal state? You must not linger alone for too long, for there is evil in this world. And in your state, they would seek to control you."

    "Deep within the Spiritwood, a sapling I did nourish. For many ages now it has grown, and now stands as a grand oak tree. Send a lumberjack thither to fell this tree, and from it carve a marionette. I will from time to time at my good pleasure inhabit the space therein. Do me this grace, and I for you, will open pathways beyond your greatest imaginations."

    in a tavern of Skara Brae

    "Have you heard of the curious clockwork oracle at Paws?"

    "Indeed I have! I've traveled from Yew to see this curious thing! I hear if you present it a suitable offering, it will open portals all over the land!"

    "What have you brought to deliver to this mysterious relic at Paws?"

    "I have these three diamonds, from my family's heritage jar. I suppose that should do?"


    Village of Paws, a plaque upon the Village Rune Library

    "Ye seekers of wonder, be cautious and amazed! The Clockwork Oracle will entertain your curiosity and open pathways beyond your greatest imaginations. But we warned, this area is protected. Should you in any way seek to vandalize this wondrous creation, you shall incur the wrath, not of Paws but the Lord of the Wood, the Great Old One."
    Beethoven, ReZon and Wodan like this.
  2. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I believe I have heard that name before, within another realm and another time. The name is one of the Great Elders, an Outer God of which men should not speak or involve themselves, as madness has been it's only reward.

    Perhaps she is not the All-Mother, The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, but should men begin to tear their eyes out and run mad through the cities off this realm from a mere glimpse of this entity from behind the veil of reality then it shall serve as testimony to my warning.

    Be careful in your dealings with such power.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    Wodan and Jupiter like this.
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    You are indeed clever Brymstone, and your warning duly heeded.

    It is true acknowledging her mere existence has proven to erode the sanity of many of Lovecrafts beloved protagonists. However, it is my sincerest hope that the dual reinforced firewall of a fantasy realm combined with my ability to craft my own lore wherein she has been encased in a wooden body that men can comprehend, will enable us to safely interact with this entity.

    If that not be the case, then in the end I trust that the Great Old One will side with the beings of our world (both fleshlings and the undead) to thwart enemies so great they would threaten both our realities!

    - Jupiter
    Wodan likes this.
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Bumped for awareness of the Clockwork Oracle!

    Fully functional!
  5. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    The Oracle bit my baby!
    Jupiter likes this.
  6. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Rumors are the orcs are very upset about this miracle and have made an assassination attempt already !

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