Sounds of construction and exploration have awakened creatures dwelling deep within the forest. The Expedition scouts are under siege. Lord British has sent for rangers and a small force of guards to quell the attack. The forest dwellers attack anything they encounter and are slaughtering the wilderness...
Agh... where was the big boss? I can't believe I missed it!@@! Lots of fun, Chris thanks!! Thought I'd mention some things about the event for those who didn't make it - Pros: It wasn't 2500 monsters crammed into the space of one castle like many events I've seen on other servers. You know - the kind where you're absolutely guaranteed to die, you'll have no chance of getting back to your corpse, and even if you kill something you'll never be able to loot it anyway? Yeah, this was nothing like that The monsters spawn was not overwhelming but tough though & that made it enjoyable. They also had improved treasure, which made it worthwhile to attend. Cons: Early on in the event I hid fairly often to break monster's tracking but at some point I started getting auto-revealed. I'm not sure if that was specific to the location I was in or what, but I wouldn't care for auto-reveal to be a feature of events very often unless necessary. There are unsubtle people who can really annoy you with Hiding/Stealth but there are also people who can use those skillfully and I think all classes should be able to attend and still be useful.
Thanks so much folks, for the monsters and the specialty items; mine will go for house deco.... Great work and great fun Oh and the fun thing the Town Cryer Says:
This was caused by the order guards present in the location, they have a passive auto-detect radius which will be removed in a future patch.