Hey everyone, I am trying to figure out a template to use in Duo with a Provo Mage. We want to treasure hunt, so I was thinking Cart, Lock, Mage, Med, Resist. Then the last two skill are up in the air. We will be doing mostly PvM. I'm thinking maybe archer, tactics or heal, anat. Or some combination with eval int as well. Let me know your thoughts. I want to keep this character as a treasure hunter instead of having just some lowly cartographer character.
IF (and that is a big if) you are ONLY playing together with the provo mage, then: Mage (or resist) Carto LPing Anat Healing Tact Swds (or fencing) However, if there is an off chance you are going to be facing the music by yourself, then: Mage Med Carto LPing Music Provo Hiding This is one of the most versatile templates out there, and a must have in my opinion. And even if you’re running with another provo mage, the two of you could probably control any spawn without a problem.