Undead Pirates Tracked Down - 08JAN2015

Discussion in 'Knights of Sosaria [KoS]' started by Lightshade, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    One of our newer recruits was out on patrol when he discovered an odd shimmering portal that had a bit of an emerald green hue to it. Not wanting to risk endangering himself without letting others know what he was about, he reported back to the central command. It was decided that we would mount an expedition to investigate this strange portal.

    Upon entering, we found ourselves upon a wasted ship and the smell of death seemed en-trained in all that surrounded us. It wasn't but two steps past this portal that the attacks began. Legions of undead pirates assailed us tirelessly, for the dead know not of the toils of the mortal coils. Being the Knights of Sosaria, though, we knew we could not retreat and let this undead menace encroach upon the lands of Sosaria.


    Some of us stumbled and a trusty steed was lost, but we fought on. Eventually, the power behind this putrid death showed itself. We engaged this foe head on, but like many evil creatures...he had tricks up the sleeves of his hooded cloak.

    Calling upon and summoning more undead, he nearly laid waste upon us. The light of good shined on through, though, and the Knights of Sosaria prevailed. After a long-fought battle, the undead Captain was vanquished. Unfortunately, the smell of death in the air of this realm and the wasted pirate ship belied the sense of Trammel that the surroundings in the distance hinted at.

    A council shall be convened to discuss what to do with this troubling news.

    Report Dated: 08JAN2015

    ~ L / S

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