Guys, I know you said that it can be run by players, but I really feel like UOR would benifit from having a casino in a nice city like Trinsic or Britan run by the server admins. It would be great if you could setup the tables so we could dress up and come play. I really feel that it would add to the value of the server.
We run a casino every now and then, hopefully will do another event soon depending on the schedules of my guild. was the first one and we did another one recently. Its still very much a work in progress, but a lot of fun. For next time we're trying to think of a few simpler games people can play in between setting up gorilla fights or rat roulette.
Wouldnt it be better if the GM of the server could just setup a casino in like Trinsic or Brit and just have it running all the time.
I feel this would be a bad idea, and make the shard one step closer to being trammelized. Players would just gamble all day and never go out and adventure.