Bids end 48 hours after last bid Plat @ 6k per Holiday coins @ 5k per Please keep all buyouts or bids public an undead wyrms heart This is a rare drop from the Halloween 2012 festivities, and I got it from the recent Destard entrance idoc shenanigans. A quality rare for anyone's collection. s/b: 250k (last one sold on the forums sold for this price) b/o: 350k skull mug b/o: 35k string of shells b/o: 75k playing cards (top of hand facing north) s/b: 30k b/o: 40k playing cards (top of hand facing south) (According to the database, these are more rare than the facing north variety, but I'm not sure if the house deco tool can rotate them. If the valuation is off because of this, simply don't bid or let me know through pm's.) s/b: 100k b/o: 150k a grave (e/w facing) s/b: 50k b/o: 65k a grave (n/s facing) s/b: 50k b/o: 65k
Skull mug and cheaper playing cards. Will probably only log in on Saturday morning but if you want to let these go earlier I'll understand.