Want To Buy Daemon Dismissal Mace Weps

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by StarTrakZack, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. StarTrakZack

    StarTrakZack Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Whats happening everyone? I just GM'ed Healing and realized I could actually stand toe to toe with big bad Beezlebooth and Baal...I found that, with around 70 armor and 65+ point heals, they can hardly touch me. The problem is that it takes SO DAMN long to wear them down with the Force and Power weapons I have been using.

    Anyway to get to the point, I am interested in buying a Daemon Dismissal (or Exorcism, if the price is decent) mace weapon. I will use almost anything I guess, but I prefer War Hammers (for obvious reasons), and War Axes (speed/damage/shield combo rocks). Also I would really like other modifiers like any sort of added accuracy but especially Might or higher damage mod.

    Looking to spend 25-30k but I have a little more to spend if its really cool. Also have other Force/Power/Vanq/Slayers I could trade and I also have some Platinum to throw in on it.

    Thanks for taking the time to check out my post. I hope to hear from some of you, and if I don't then have a good one and have fun!

    PS I'm on IRC fairly often as "Oleric" if you wanna PM me.
  2. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Soon as I get the chance to get back to my computer I'll give you a list of what I have, recently switched over from macing to LJ so I have some laying around

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