Hi all, I usually do some PvM with some friends who have a mage/tamer and a Dexxer Lumberjacking. My main char is a scribe/mage but I would prefer join with another char for PvM in group. What builid would be nice? I would like to avoid another mage to take advantage of stuff I don't use. Another quesiton Archery or go with melee weapon? Thanks in advance.
Another option is continue with my mage and use some controlled Summons (Daemons). In this shard it seems Earth elemental are not strong.
It’s always extremely helpful to have a bard in group PvM. Provo at least but a pure bard would be really helpful as well, this is especially true with more difficult MoBs.
What would be pure bard skills? Tamer has Peacemaking as the moment so I think I could fill with Provocation/Discordance. Weapon/Tactics/Anatomy/Healing/Music/Provo/Discordance?
You could do that, however you'd need to be gated around and would not be able to recall out quickly (very important IMO). Here is a typical "pure bard" template: Magery Meditation Resist Music Provo Discordance Peacmaking Here are other types of mage bards: Magery Meditation Resist Music Provo 6. (can be hiding, disco, peace, eval) 7. (can be hiding, disco, peace, eval) These two bard templates above may not be able to cause a lot of direct damage and therefore are a bit slower when hunting solo (provo, then hide and wait, or use blade spirits), however with a group they can help the dexer/tamer slice through the MoBs like a hot knife through butter. Also, I cannot tell you how many times the bard in the group has saved us with either dropping a critical provo/peace or dropping heals on us. You can also do a bard dexer. Lots of people like peace dexers. I have a provo dexer (fencing) for use in instances like Christmas scrolls. She has just enough magery to cast blade spirits from a scroll with no chance of failing, and then the rest goes to resist. So unfortunately for a dexer bard you typically only get one barding skill, then you have to pick between magery and resist. Here is my bard dexer, mainly used for instances: http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/912126 It has been suggested that perhaps I should run with 0 resist and GM magery, otherwise my magic reflect really isn't so great. So I cannot say that this is absolutely the perfect template. However, I copied the template of a guy who has iron-maned the most difficult instances in the game, so while I may not necessarily posses his PvM skills, at least I know this template is proven (except he is a macer). People don't typically make peacemaking tamers because peace breaks when you attempt to tame a dragon and anger it. Plus since the pets are tanking, it's not as big if a deal to get a few too many on you at once. But of course that is when you need provo. So you might suggest to the tamer to look into raising provo. Lots of people like disco tamers as well. I just made a disco tamer and when soloing balrons the difference was night and day. All of this is just my personal opinion so if any of it doesn't sound good to you, or if you get conflicting opinions, by all means go with what you think is best.
At this point you could be nearly anything. Perhaps a bard as others had mentioned but with item identification, lockpicking, or even tracking? At GM item ID you can target bags/corpses and ID all items within. Rather handy. Lockpicking, well there's several chests in dungeons you could crack. Combine that with cartography and you've opened up quite a bit of content for your group as you can do those treasure maps you're going to find. More I think about it, yeah. Consider a treasure hunter
If you only plan to use that character for grouping, then definitely go with the bard treasure hunter. That will give your group a lot of extra content when the dungeon scene starts to become stale. Discordance is great for softening up the mobs for the tamer and makes provoking easier.
Ummmm in fact I have currently a Char with GM Item ID only. Maybe I could give him more content. Something like? 100x Musicianship 100x Provocation 100x Peacemaking 100x Discordance 100x Item ID 100x Lockpicking 100x Cartography
Umm I could start a char from 0. In that case which two skills are better to start? Which ones are more dificcult?
Of the skills you listed above, I think lockpicking and cartography. But if you are asking in general, the skills you want to start with are the ones that cost money/resources/non-AFK time to raise. The ones I can think of right now are magery, healing, animal taming, lumberjacking, and most of the crafting stuff.
I agree on dropping peace for magery. Peace will not be useful AT ALL in your group. The pets will be tanking the damage until you can provo something onto the monster they are attacking. None of you will be aggroed upon to warrant 100 points in a skill you will seldom use. Also, very personally, I'd drop ID for meditation. Just take everything home. There's 3 of you. Between the 3 you can carry upwards of 700 stones of junk. That's plenty. Have a single char to ID full bags of junk and sort into usefull/sale/CuB items.
It's a must to have Cartography on that char? Or I can decode the map with another char? For example the one I have with Item ID and then go with other to the place?