What kind of rules would you like to see for roleplayers?

Discussion in 'Knights of Sosaria [KoS]' started by Lightshade, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    So, there's a few Roleplaying Guilds on this server and they have approached myself and others lately about friendly interactions. What kind of rules would you like to see for "fights" and such between our guild and some of these guilds...? Any ideas...?

    Ideas from players outside of the guild are certainly welcome here, also.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    My only real request has been to receive some kind of spoken interaction before engaging in battle wherein you clearly state your intentions. Preferably this would be expressed in character.

    For instance "you there! You're trespassing on the Knights realm. Begone or face my ax!"

    You should be sure to not engage in polite conversation if your ultimate intent is to kill. State your intentions and then if I decide to stay, it is at my own risk.
    Beethoven and Lightshade like this.
  3. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    I tell you i'm going to kill you every time I see you, though. :p
    garvey and Jupiter like this.
  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    No looting unless its for RP value. An orc taking a few shineyz for example but leaving everything else. A pirate taking any bottles of booze, but leaving everything else. An indian taking your scalp, but leaving everything else. Jupiter taking scrolls, but leaving everything else.

    Also no counts. Being red makes it near impossible to RP because people flee before they even figure out what your up to, and you never get a chance to RP.

    Also gauging your opponent's skill level is a good idea if you are RP fighting. Knowing when its fair to go all out versus when you need to hold back, if only to extend the fight and make it more fun for both fighters.

    Never hold back on Jupiter btw. He is wiley and will turn the tables on you quicker then he can say "HUZZZAH"
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
    Beethoven, Lightshade and Jupiter like this.
  5. mafghine

    mafghine Active Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Dwarf here, I came from a land that even if you RP you got dry looted. I accepted it as a way of life in UO. A week or so ago I was fighting with the orcs, whom I was at war with. Out of the blue came my red nieghbors. Total chaos. I was swiftly put to a dirt nap. All 3 groups were fighting each other. I was rezed and quickly found my corpse.....only thing that was looted was my wepon. Hmm. Ok, I got lucky. Back to fighting, dead again by a red. He rezed me..ok that happens sometimes. He didnt loot and even dropped some bandages. Fun was had with a few more deaths.

    Someone even rezed my Llama. I was astounded by both groups, orcs and murderers not dry looting and even helping you get back in the fight. To me, this is not the UO I grew up with. I personally didnt know how to handle it. As If I had made a kill, I would have dry looted. Its in my nature. But, knowing even murderers here (my neighbors), do not dry loot. I will not.

    How ever, what does fall into the "lootables" here? Do I take that Vanq axe you dropped? How about that full suit of val? Me personally as a dwarf I think I should wear val armor. Dwarfs are known for their craftmanship. Do I mind if it gets looted? Of course not.

    So, in closing. Looting should be left up to the person looting and how he rps. I will loot what I believe a dwarf would loot. Altho I havent had the chance to find out what that is yet! HA!

    Strike the Earth!
    Beethoven, Lightshade and garvey like this.
  6. mafghine

    mafghine Active Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I think, as rp group or solo fighting goes, We could have a lootable item that we carry out into the field with us everywhere we go. To dwarfs, gems are a favorite item. In a sense we mine them when we mine up ore elements. I think I will ask the dwarfs to carry a minimum of 5-10 gems in a pouch. Thats a race lootable item, weighs next to nothing, quickly sold at the gem shop for bandage gold. I was told once, that rp groups here ally with going to war with each other on their guildstone. I am open to all such actions.

    However, I am truly not against dry looting. If you feel you need to dry loot, I will not bitch or cry about it.
    Beethoven, Lightshade and Jupiter like this.
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    This is my sentiment as well. It is well within the rights of any victor to loot whatever he desires. It just often behooves all parties involved to not execute that right depending on the situation.
    Beethoven, Lightshade and Jupiter like this.
  8. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    From my perspective, in which all my characters are RP to some extent or another, is it's entirely situational.

    I haven't been involved in many overland fights so far.

    On my dwarf, there was a fight at the fortress involving the neighbors and some orcs. I got splatted by the neighbors and to my surprise, they left me most of my gear! (thanks guys!)

    I was also in a fight in orc territory. As far as I know, nobody looted anything, although I did collect a few heads for posterity.

    Tuco hasn't been involved in any fights as such, but has had many "interactions" with various folks. Tuco will not kill, but he will definitely take stuff if appropriate (it's appropriate unless we're friends or involved in a business arrangement.)

    When I get my chops back, I'll likely renew my RP red murderer character. That's a ways off, though.

    In general, I like the idea of 'token' looting, verbal interaction, and so forth.

    When my red gets going he will have a slightly different approach, explaining after the fact what happened and why and how to avoid it in the future if desired. But that's a tale for another day.
    Lightshade likes this.
  9. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    Most people on this server, when engaging in more role-playish events, will not really loot much here unless they are having a tough time holding the other side off...then they'll loot stuff to slow down the fight enough to give them a chance.

    I really like the idea of coming up with a "List" of what each group will loot. That seems like a neat idea for roleplaying. It'd be neat to have a small pile of gems for Dwarfs and such when doing things.

    Perhaps each group could come up with a short list of goodies that their groups like....?
    Beethoven likes this.
  10. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    The only looting allowed by the charter of Stormhold is looting to disarm an enemy. (regs, weapons)
    Beethoven and Lightshade like this.

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