We got some really stuck up people on this little shard, of some people aren't doing something right. I found a crazy out of the way rune library, and they had loads of runebooks and stuff. (but no vendor selling recall scrolls/regs), but every single runebook was "that item is out of reach" or something like that. I don't remember well, it was late last night and I had to run all the way to a moongate. That's not the first time I've seen this, so what gives ?
I actually can't think of any rune library type houses that aren't accessible, although I don't doubt that there are some.
I used to keep my rune library private so I could keep a rune to my CY in it.... then I just carried a rune to my rune library on all my chars... no need for a blessed runebook.
I was a little kid when you did that shit, and i remember that. Dad showed me your stories, and Adam Ants...use to read them when I was farming or something.