a thief was tailing me in town so I walked outside of town guards and was just going to attack him.. to my surprise he attacked me. Yay I thought. Chased him around, all of a sudden I noticed I am punching him. Odd. I try to reequip my emminently accurate war axe of vanquishing. Nope. GG
Lol. Disarm thiefs are a blast. I used one last halloween is Skara brae and had probobly 60 great weapons in 2 days. People were not all to happy about it.
So what do you do when you're in town guards? Steal something so they attack you then counter by taking their weapon? Is disarm a primary or secondary wrestling ability? What other skills do you need to use it? I suddenly have a feeling my mage has not been living up to his full potential. Can you disarm npc humans?
Im pretty sure you can disarm npc humans unless Tela has made changes I'm unaware of. My disarm thief was in factions so i can freely steal from enemies. During the halloween event guards were disabled in Skara so I didn't have to worry about that. I did have to attack blue chars to steal from them. It took 3 days for someone to think of killing themselves after I stole from them to count me so that I could no longer steal. The template for me was simply mage, med, resist, eval and then stealing, wrestling, and arms lore? Whichever skill you need to disarm, I forget without looking now. As long as you use macros in uo and not razor you can steal the weapon without snooping your targets backpack.
ya arms lore.. in town with guards... what I do on my theif - run so they are off screen (usully its afk people)... inch close enough to attack them but super far still. Wait 10 secs for the "you can be guard wacked" thing to fade and go in for the steal.
The satisfying reaction of seeing someone who believes they are hitting you with a weapon finds out they are thumping with fists instead.. Call me cruel and a little heartless, but I find it humorous when the letters 'WTF?' appear above someone's head when they have just lost their prized weapon. Bloody thieves!
Geo, if you can find a weapon that weighs more than 10 stones, you're golden. This is why Victor Magnus now carriers around a 14 stone golden mace.