Hello just started playing this server and I haven't not played in a decade. I have been running around bucs and yew looking for people but have not seen anyone pvping. Is this server more of a pvm server? How is the pvp scene?
Welcome to UOR! pvp can be found, but if you're looking for 1 on 1 fights just for the hell of it, ask in irc there is usually someone wanting to duel.
Depends on the time of day. You're more likely to find fights at night when the majority of players are home from work. During the day you may find a skirmish here or there depending on how much the pot is stirred with the players who play during the day. If you go around pking people during the day time you'll likely find someone who'll hunt you down for a fight/vengeance too.
I recommend making a ghost character and wandering the lands looking for other ghosts idling in spots. Then, get a living character into O/C or Factions and hang out around that ghost. This is "pvp" now. I'll be out and about on Saturday on my Order guy and maybe a touch on Sunday but we'll see.
Hi. The two most popular spots this shard's pvpers hang out is the insides of their houses and the inside of a green gate that pops up in towns occasionally. This gate leads to the event center (can't be attacked here) which is located in green acres where they are further transported to unused and inaccessible areas on the felucca map and sometimes into the trammel facet where they play a game called capture the flag. Once the game is over, they are transported back to the event center (can't be attacked here) so they can safely bank their weapons and suits of armor. Then they either log out in the event center or are provided moongates to towns where upon entering they are automatically invised when they reach their random location on the other side to ensure they are able to recall away safely back to the inside of their house.
That is correct. It is literally the only place you will be capable of finding a balanced combat situation without specifically asking people for it in the other areas of the game. CTF and Tournaments are also some of the only place you can't gate in dragons when your body hits the floor. Everyone knows that houses are the best place to be when you're outnumbered 3:1.
So no one roams around yew or bucs on this server huh . Also how are factions. I went through a few threads is SL and CoM the only viable factions? And do the faction people stay in houses or can they be found in towns? EDIT: also how about templates is it kinda of spread or do people mainly pvp with one class?
Literally no one "hangs out" in town or places for pvp because there are very few people who won't just roll in the gank on anyone and you'll be hard pressed to enjoy yourself getting swarmed any time you're hanging out on an orange. That said, go try it, maybe you'll find a different result. As for templates the de facto standard is any combination of mage. Start with your basic 5x (Mage/Med/Eval/Resist/Wrestle) then add Anatomy (stun mage = anat/wrestle) and Healing or Inscription. You can drop Wrestle of course and make like a Heal/Scribe mage but without stun punches you'll have trouble getting a dump off before the target scoots.
Tankmages, all the way! Lots of fun for soloplayers. For group pvp you should look for meta templates like the Stun+X Mage Blaise mentioned. And well, i do hang out in Buccs from time to time. But i usualy play very early (GMT+1, which is basically EST-6)
But welcome to the server Cleedis. If you want to get into pvp I recommend building a mage and utilizing pots and wands. If you don't have a partner or your not guilded right away don't be surprised or discouraged when you get ganked. Go out there and show us your stuff. Become effective at staying alive and someone should take you on. TB could always use more people.. but we just lack the time and patience to train players without any pvp background.
How exactly do you guys want to encourage anyone here to pvp with such posts anyways? And no, im solo too for the most part and find a lot of smaller fights or 1v1s.
*sigh* everyone in this thread is wrong. Wylwrk's 3 Step Guide To Instant PvP 1. Hop on IRC with generic login 2. Say in main room, "Wow! Lich Lord room on this server is awesome. I'm making lotsa gold! I love this server" 3. Wait You're welcome.
I'm just implying that you can pvp.. but uor is ment for group pvp. Find the 1v1 but always be prepared for more to come in and learn how to survive.