Willing Duelist and PvP Field Instructors

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Blaise, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Hail all UO:Renaissance and welcome to the reference thread for Willing Duelist and PvP Field Instructors. The intention of the thread is for combat veterans of UO to post their availability and contact (IRC/Forum) info so others intent on learning may contact them.
    Perhaps if it suits the participants, indicate any specialization you may have please. For example, if you are primarily playing a certain template or are more involved in group combat. Personally I grow rather bored of duels but they are a great way to learn your keys.

    Some basic etiquette people: Do not spam or harass the individuals who submit their names here. They are offering their free time to help you, so be kind, patient and understanding of limited availability. I would even go so far as to offer consumables or trade worthy items as tokens of appreciation should you be able to do so. I doubt many will take them, but the offer would be a show of respect for their consideration of your desire to learn. I

    I need more field PvP and even though I'm not a great veteran, I will get things started.

    Forums/IRC Handle: Blaise
    Most common template is a melee fighter, in the field with occasional duels.
    I enjoy group combat and can most times rally other numbers for a session.
  2. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 14, 2012
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    IRC: HateCrimeGaming
    Most Played Template(currently): Tank/Mage, but experienced with all templates
    I enjoy long walks on the beach and faction/order & chaos/Pk/all PVP. I can teach people how to duel in a pit, or how to be effective in the field 1v1/1v2, as well as how to group pvp effectively. ALL of these things are very different and require a varied skill-set/mindset.

    Feel free to IRC/Forum PM me with any questions or if you would like to duel/field fight. I'm more than willing to offer my time in a teaching manor. ie: not raping you every 10 seconds so you spend most of your time rezing up.

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    See you on the field Renaissance!
  3. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I thought this might become a FAQ so I ask it here:

    Can you guys be a little more detailed about the skills for the various PvP Templates you talk about ?

    I can talk about skill sets for crafters, fishers and bards for hours but have absolutely no idea about the PvP templates.

    Before I get in touch with one of you I should probably get my skills trained, right ?
  4. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 14, 2012
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    PvP is highly subjective when it comes to templates, and stats. Even the way you play a pvper is subjective. In the end you have to figure out your own playstyle and what works best for you. With that said, I would recommend building a template before hitting us up with 1000 questions. However, there are a ton of questions that could be asked in regards to template creation and playstyle, prior to actually building the character. Don't be afraid to ask away. Just keep in mind that most of your learning experience will come from practice, not questions. I've had countless individuals ask me 1000 questions, but the few who have actually hopped into vent with me an dueled around so they could hear some advice have honestly taken home a lot more valuable information.

    The one piece of info I can give right off the bat in regards to character creation is this: Don't create a pure dexer. Sure a poison fencer can be great in the field, but you will never truly be a well rounded/skilled pvper unless you practice with a pure-mage (stun/heal/mage for example) or a hybrid character (melee + Magery). For the beginner pvper who wants to actually progress and become better in the field of pvp, I HIGHLY recommend starting off with a hybrid.
  5. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Thanks for the reply !

    So before I waste my time on the wrong skills, can I have your opinion on this Template:

    Healing 100
    Anatomy 100
    Tactics 100
    Fencing 100
    Magery 100

    Evalint 100
    Resist 50
    Meditation 50

    Resist 100
    Meditation 100

    Not looking for the PERFECT HYBRID TEMPLATE but a good starting point to work towards ...
  6. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 14, 2012
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    I'm not sure if Blaise wants this thread full of pvp information, or only as a place to find people who can bestow some information/practice upon you. I suppose it can serve as both.

    The template you listed isn't bad, but you need to make a few decisions. First and foremost is if you want to play a primarily dexer heavy "tank", or a mage heavy "tank". In your template you listed healing and eval int, with only 50 meditation skill. If you plan on doing damage will spells, you will want more than 50 meditation, in my opinion. Personally, I would recommend losing healing and doing something like this:

    Anat 100
    Tact 100
    Fencing 100
    Magery 100
    Med 100
    Resist 100
    Eval 100

    That is your basic tank/mage template. It is actually quite effective here on UOR and a great place to start if you want to have a well rounded skillset when it comes to pvp. If you can play that template, you can easily pick up any pure dexer and do some serious damage with it, and it will be much easier to make the transition to a pure mage if you ever wished to down the road.

    Also in the example you gave you said " OR 100 resist // 100 meditation." I would go out with no less than 80 resist on any pvp character, any less than that is just not a valid option on the field.

    I know it will be hard getting used to not having bandages for a heal, but you will be forced to learn important tactics when it comes to mana conservation and choosing which spells you want/need to cast, and which spells are actually just a waste of mana. So much of pvp, especially in a 1v1 scenario, comes down to proper mana conservation.

    There are definitely more advanced / difficult to play templates that are very similar to the one I listed above, but it is by far the best starting place for any new pvper. Its actually extremely close to what I use myself, and can be played very effectively. I have a ton of tips/ interesting combos that can be pulled off with a fencer mage.

    The next extremely important thing you need to consider is the character stats. It is very important to have them "balanced" as the Mindblast spell does a ton of damage if not. Its one of those spells that people can spam very quickly and costs little mana. If your not balanced properly stat wise to account for this, you will regret it.

    I personally run the following:

    90 Str (95hp -- 115hp when str potted)
    55 Dex (75 dex when dex potted)
    80 Int (mana conservation is super important or you run out fast)

    You might want to start with:

    90 str
    45 dex
    90 int (while learning)

    These stats are pretty fairly balanced. And when your in the field, you will 100% of the time use a greater Strength/Dexterity potion when a battle starts. This pushes you to 115 HP, 65 Dex, 90 Int.

    I could go into why these stats are pretty beast mode in the field, but that's another 10 paragraphs of text. However once you decide which way you want to build your template, and then you build it, I'd be more than happy to talk about pvp tactics and important notes in regards to playing the character. More importantly, I'd get out there and practice with you to get you some real-time experience.
  7. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Bump for great justice!
  9. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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  10. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Hey bro, keen for some sparring if your still available

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