Just a helpful heads up. These didn't drop in anny bags, so you have to craft them. Which means you are paying for 14 yards of blaze. 1.5 mill is far too low. 2 mill is also far too low. I don't recall the most recent auctions, but I can tell you its not uncommon for blaze items to sell for an equivalent of 400-500k per yard.
Without going into details, I spent a lot of gold on 14 yards and about 1.5 years. After all, it still took 450k for branding 2nd Anni. In total, they offer me 6-7 million every 7 months for this. But it is not for sale. After marking, it looks like mine is now in a single copy haha The irony is that since the 18-20s, one yard of this fabric lay on my seller and was not sold for 2 years haha In any case, I wish you good luck, this is a cool project. + free bump. edit: I would also like to remind you that I was recently selling a 4 yard 2nd Anni Vesper and they were taken from my seller for 2 million.