WTB cheap silver & balron damnation/exorcism spears

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by LCH, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Please PM me if u have these weapons for sale.
    Need silver more than balron damnation.
    Budget: <30k each
  2. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    hi m8 I got
    a silver spear of might
    Deamon diss short spear of force

    Will do both for 50k

    Btw Deamon diss works on balrons
  3. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Both are +0 tactics?
  4. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Both are +15
  5. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    50k combined correct?
    i will take them
  6. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Cool will try and be on to trade in a few hours

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