This is a topic that brings out some strong opinions. And in some cases, totally valid. Short answer is yes, they are absolutely able to be turned. GM has to do it for now, but Chris has made it abundantly clear that turning these was intended to be possible from day 1. What has happened in the past, I think due to ignorance, was that in the process of turning them, some were actually "changed" into a different item type. This was something that I was confused by as well btw. I argued against the idea that this was happening, but after looking at the graphics on fiddler, realized I was totally wrong. There are indeed 2 different curved waterfall pieces. The objection to them being turned came from the concern that during the process of turning, one was being "changed" into the other. Which HAS happened. But, as long as the GM that is turning them is aware of which piece they are turning, and turn it using the correct graphic, then yes absolutely can be turned. Long winded answer, but its been a hot topic here and there when it comes up. PS: what we are referring to as "turning" is actually a GM deleting the original item and then creating another, facing the other direction.
Right but they all show as the same item in the item database so I don't understand why they won't do it anymore. I believe a specific player complained about them being turned because he felt it made his less rare so they quit doing it.
If they aren't doing it anymore, I'd take it straight to Chris yeah, because he said in the past that they are intended to be turned. The player that was kicking up a fuss about it was right in a sense, because they WERE being changed from one type to another. If the GMs have stopped turning them altogether though, that means they haven't consulted the boss man and are making that judgement themselves. Item just wasn't created properly when the spawner was made.