Looking to buy about 180 Platinum Coins. I am paying 4K. Not a typo I am paying 4K, not 6K, not 5.5K, not 5.2K not "fire sale" 5K price that lasts forever. I am offering 4K per coin. Sell me 1 or all 180 I don't care. I know I will get flamed for this but let's face it, price of Platinum Coins are artificially inflated. Threads here and Discord post after post offering to sell Plat and no one is buying. Similar to Diamonds in real life there is a plethora of Plat coins on this server, and like De Beers Corp there are players sitting on a massive pile of plat. Just check out this nearly 1 year outdated chart. There is a lot of Plat. http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemgraph/EED/PlatinumCoin/single PM on here or Discord Garavar. I will keep your sale anonymous. Thanks. Flame On!
After Shamix buys the first billion or so plat on the server the left over can be sold to me for 4K. Thanks!
It's the left one if you didnt know - but i suspect you know that already running all those pwn harries and all.
What I know is that I wanted a lot of plat because the plat vendor provides useful items (as opposed to rares, clothing, etc. that doesn't actually have any functional value in-game other than look cool). So I joined up with the group that farms plat most efficiently. With very few exceptions I hold onto all my plat and use it to buy from the rewards vendor. If players want to use it as currency instead of gold, that's their choice. But as far as I know, the rewards vendor charges the same price for items today as when I joined UOR. If plat is de-valued, wouldn't that only harm people like me who have lots of it? I would have LOVED to have plat selling for 4k when I was new on UOR. I was farming gold and buying plat from TnT and P'S people for 8k to get my rune books (it was 10k when I joined, which was summer of 2017).
You are obviously trying to make a case that plat is worth less than 5k. If you are correct, you will find sellers since (as you pointed out) there is a large amount on the shard. If not, this WTB post will last as long as the "fire sale" threads you referred to. I'm not selling my plat at any price because long-term I don't know if I will be in a position to have as much access to it as I have right now. The same reasoning could be applied to Christmas scrolls. I am sitting on over 100 of them, and I have turned away my own guild mates from buying them because I want to hold onto them. Their value to me personally is not affected by the market price set by people who use them as currency. Just like plat.
It is worth less than 5K. Look at the replies from Shamix and Dash offering less than 5K. Look at the trade channel on discord with the occasional flash sales of 4.9K per. No one wants to go too low on their selling price because they don't want to kill the artificial high. But it's under 5K. I have about 500something plat. Buy it from me for 7K like Tuneful is selling for. We will make it a public sale with screen shots. So as I said if anyone wants to sell for 4K PM me. If not PM Shamix and Dash as they are paying slightly more.
They can make their own posts as well and stop derailing others gameplay and threads. Usual. Surprised "someone" hasn't tried posting about bad traders. (Hint pwn cough) Good luck
OP indicated he was receptive to feedback with his invitation of "Flame on." If you are not buying plat, selling plat, and if you don't have anything to add about the market value of plat, you have no business here. Your above post is much less appropriate than anything else that has been posted thus far.
lmfao i dont think they value plat at under 5k , mostly likely a poke at you for the low ball offer on plat hope u find someone to sell you plat so cheap !! i dont see the plat value dropping lower than what HC sells for but that is just my opinion , u can take it as a grain of SALT if you like , most people do when i started here plat was 10k per and all new stuff was soon tm, now we actually have new content being worked up and it just doesn't seem 4k per plat will be the new value of plat and sure i am saying that cuz i have alot of plat myself CHOO CHOO !!!
Artificial or not, if the market bears it the DeBeers of the shard can dictate what the plat value is by limiting how much plat can go into circulation at once. Good luck in your venture!