Only Houses 1 and 3 remaining, final price drop on #1 Buy #1 and #3 together for only 750k. All houses now straight BO pricing. There are some very good deals in here. Plat @4k House #1 - 5 Nodes all able to be hit from 2 tiles 3x Iron, 1x DC, 1x Shadow 500k BO House #2 - 4 Nodes - from a single node DC, Shadow, Bronze, Agapite 375k BO House #3 - 5 Nodes, 4 from 1 tile + 1 Iron, DC, Shadow, Bronze, Agapite 450k BO House#4 5 Nodes - 4 from 1 tile + 1 3x Iron, DC, Val 500k BO Sold
Bump Open to any trade offers. Also open to hear any offers lower than SB. .... also open to working deals with new players looking for good mining houses.
Bump Pretty much open to anything in trade. Better deals available to newer players looking to try out house mining, macros available too.