Selling regs! Priced at 31,200gp per 1k of each reg. I'll can provide any quantity you want, and I will be glad to give pricing on a bulk quantity of 1 reg. Hit me up in irc or here on the forums. If you're looking for a quick fix I sell them in 1k stacks on my vendor at Markos vendor house next to the north wall of yew bank. Look for Elisa, the lady in yellow.
Ill take 10k each please, I am a AAA member, AARP member, federal employee and a war veteran. Please include all applicable discounts, thanks!
bout to start cranking out kegs of GC and GH Will need lots of Ginsing and Garlic... say 10k of each to start...
Yep, that's what the post says. I currently can fill orders up to 50k each reg, get em while they're hot. IRC me or post here.