Hello Before I start I realize that this post will get moved soon or I will get banned for posting it in the wrong forum. But more people read this forum so I must try anyway since it is a life/death situation for my friend and we are desperate. So I shall beg the best way I can. I have no shame in beggining to help someone I care for. I can only hope that some of you decide to donate a buck or two or share this on your facebook. Thank you for listening. I have been on this server for a while now and like to t think I have contributed to the community a little. My name is Stephen Keck, real name. And my best friend, mentor was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to her brain in the form of two tumors (inoperable) this past saturday. I am doing a fundraiser for donations for her. Even if you don't know her or me, know that you will be fighting cancer as your donations go directly to her medical expenses as she has no insurance. I'm not trying to get into a healthcare debate the only purpose is that she needs help and I am doing the best I can. Even if you can't donate (keep in mind a 50 cent donation is just as good as any) please please please share this link on your facebook page or any other social media site. The more people that see this, the more that maybe will help our situation. I think we can be successful and hopefully help save her. http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-save-edie-shea/189586 That is the fundraising website. Your money goes to a paypal account that Edie will then access for her medical bills/expenses and treatments. Life sucks sometimes but I know if we all work together maybe we can brighten someone's life like UOR does for us in the form of entertainment. Thank you. Stephen Keck akak Driffle Drop aka Cesar Melan aka Kwesi Manu