WTS Holiday Raffle and Xmas Scroll Drop Items for STUPID LOW PRICES...

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Big_Daddy, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Big_Daddy

    Big_Daddy Active Member

    Nov 16, 2020
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    ...I must of been drunk when I droped these on my vendor!

    250k - Polar Bear Fur, RareFur1, Hue 902...
    100k - +
    75k - Blessed Snowman...
    50k - A Fur... Reindeer Corpse Cutting Drop...
    50k - An ornate treasure chest... blue scroll...
    50k - Krampus Naughty List
    50k - String of Lights
    50k - Small Treasure Pile
    50k - Runebook Dye Tub (5 charges)
    25k - Holiday Tree Deeds
    20k - Runebook Dye Tubs (2 charges)
    10k - Gift Box Container
    10k - Runebook copy ben
    5k - Poinsetta, red
    5k - Poinsetta, white

    Hurry up and visit Clark at the Ocllo Bank Marble Vendor House!


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