Home Deco Stuff for Sale or Trade! A - 3x Book Cases - BO 1.8M B - Slimey Chest - BO 20k C - 2x Potted Trees - BO 700k D - 4x Open Barrels - BO 200k (Traded) E - 5x Knights Strongboxes - BO 250k F - Pilgrims Hanging Leather Sleeves, Leggings, Tunic ( Tunic is different hue) - BO 400k G - 4x Red Chests, 2x Red Ornate Chests, Hue 33 Champagne - BO 200k
b bo if you would be willing to sell the knight's strongboxes as a pair instead of all 5 id take a couple of those even if the price would be slightly higher than 50k per listed