This keep is located just south west of Ice entrance. Sorry no picture of that, i r nub Everything seen in the keep is included in this deal. Notable items include: Rune library, several bear rugs and wall tapestries, awesome blue bed, large crafting room, great living room with couch and fireplace! (numerous rares and semi rares) Starting Bid is 1 Million Bid Increments of 100k Auction ends 36 hours following the last bid. I reserve the right to not sell this keep if I see fit. (super unlikely) Good luck and happy bidding!
I wouldn't sell this place before the deco contest ends you might win the "worst deco ever" award /bump free win in this category
If excepted - 166 Plat s/b Taking it for granted "just south west of Ice" means four screens or less? If you can do a screen shot, have the client map up or UOAM in the corner of one of your pics. GL with the sale.
looks like this one:,220.5.1897.5,222.5 EDIT: not sure you can see the pins. But it looks like it's the closest keep to the southwest of ice, along that mountain chain. The one with the villa next to it.
Artex, Plat is accepted as forms of payment valued @ 6k each. 166 plat = 996k, 4k short of the minimum bid. I can not accept your bid as it falls below the minimum starting bid. Your'e almost there, just throw in a little bit more.