WTS Large Patio, decorated and ready for use!

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by AOٌ, Apr 3, 2022.

  1. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    SB 800k
    BO not set.


    comes with:
    *Full Treasure Map Runebook Set
    *29,766 bandages
    *decorated with 2 xmas wreaths on door, christmas lights on wall, 2 hanging shields, functional trap for provocation/discordance/vet and pet training.
    *empty bags for hunting purposes. dye tub and dyes. bag of tambourines for training.

    Located close to pirate point, easy to lure pirates for provo training if you are tired of asking PS to open their newb provo house doors and reload pirates.

    Great for taming if you have a few tamers, place the training tamer on the fence with a heal bot, gate in tames and go to town on them, Silver Serpents nearby to kill off the already tamed creatures.

    ^this is what you are getting, second picture is example only.^
    Crazy Horse_Unknown_3-29_19.00-1.jpg
    ^example of pirates in house training provocation/discordance/veterinary and more^

    Business Posts Only. Bumps Allowed. Off Topic Posts will be reported for removal by staff.

    if you are New To The Server, i am willing to take a payment plan and cheaper total BO. this estate is worth more than the SB alone but wouldn't gouge or rip off a new player like ONE of our guilds on the sever will do. DM CrazyHorse#9347 on Discord to discuss options.
    This Auction will be
    24 hours for multiple bidders
    72 hours for single bids.

    i reserve the right to slap a fool, edit this post fairly and deny any persons bid.
    Orion GM BD likes this.

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