Do you have a snake problem? Reptiles giving you a hassle? I got you fam. Kill any & everything slithery with these bad boys!! 1) Eminently Accurate Mace of Vanquishing and Reptilian Death -- SB 650k BO 1m SOLD 2) Eminently Accurate Axe of Force and Snake's Bane -- SB 25k BO 40k SOLD 3) Surpassing Accurate Substantial Katana of Force and Ophidian Slayer -- SB 15k BO 25k SOLD 4) Scimitar of Force and Ophidian Slayer -- SB 10k BO 20k 5) Surpassingly Accurate Short Spear of Might and Reptilian Death -- SB 45k BO 75k SOLD 6) Eminently Accurate Heavy X-Bow of Might and Reptilian Death -- SB 15k BO 25k SOLD 7) Exceedingly Accurate Cleaver of Force and Reptilian Death -- 10k Skr8 Up -GOLD Only Please -48/24 Auction Timers -Reasonable Bid Increases Please