Selling this nice tailor bod collection. Starting bid 1 mil. Ends 48 hrs after last bid. Plat valued at 6k. Bods include: 240 small cloth bods 340 small leather bods 45 small barbed/spined/horned bods 9 large spined + 20 X spined studded 20 X horned leather 15 X spined bone 10 X spined studded 15 X spined leather 10 X spined studded 15 N spined leather 10 X horned leather 20 X horned leather Everything is sorted in bod books.
I'm interested in purchasing "a" BOD collection for the right price any way you'll move a bit on the price?
Why would u sell a giant BOD collection a friend gave u to use? U should give it back if ur not gonna use it.