Since i'm new here, I would mind knowing what a fair price per board would be. These boards aren't perfect, but they're as good as any for general furniture purposes. Their quality would not suit that of a seafaring vessel though.
Thank you, sir. I shall hope to find a buyer soon. My tuition is due soon, and i've already decided to take the courses without textbooks. (They're underused anyway)
Update: I chopped several thousand boards, when suddenly my axe shattered in my hands. I scrambled to find cash for a new axe, but I had none. I nearly began selling back apples I bought for Peanuts (my packie) when a strange man dressed in all yellow stripped down and threw his clothes on the ground. I covered my eyes and scooped up the clothes with an idea. I knew a tailor nearby and I fetched just enough gold to buy a new axe. We're back in business! I'm supposed to be learning magic, but so far I know a lot about mindless chopping
Update: As an inspiring scholar, I have taken it upon myself to record a bit of data while I've been in the lumber business. 0-10 real (30 logs) 10.1-20 real (860 logs) 20.1-30 real (1,530 logs) 30.1-40 real (2,040 logs) 40.1-50 real (3,400 logs) As I write this, i've purchased the last hatchet I can afford. I have a whole field of timber, about 10,000 boards total, sitting about waiting for a buyer. I fear I won't become any sort of student of magic if I can't find a buyer. P.S. I'm pretty ripped now at least.
I'll buy 'em all @ 3g! We need to help fund the education of our young magicians! (I'll look for you in IRC tonight)
Sounds great! I appreciate it! I joined and messaged you there. Update: I've continued chopping, and beginning to wonder if 20,000 boards can slip out of the woods without any consequences to the environment. I'm quite the expert at this now: 0-10 real (30 logs) 10.1-20 real (860 logs) 20.1-30 real (1,530 logs) 30.1-40 real (2,040 logs) 40.1-50 real (3,400 logs) 50.1-60 real (3,840 logs) 60.1-70 real (5,510 logs) 70.1-80 real (8,800 logs) The guards around the city come and try to trick me occasionally. They're like, "Which of these 4 is not like the others?" These guards must not be the smartest, because its always obvious! Ha.. I still haven't won a prize yet.
Thank you! I'm on IRC. Just message me anytime during the day or night and i'll try to catch you. I'd gladly swap you boards in return. I sold 28,000 boards to Basoosh. I tried to the offer a lower price, as gratitude for my first sale, but he would accepted nothing less than the full price. He even bought my commodity deed, as I didn't have anywhere near the gold to afford it.
I met a nice fellow, Nonameallstar, that gave me a large trunk of hatchets he no longer wanted. They weren't just any crappy hatchets from the Skara weaponsmith (Don't tell her I said that), these were of a superb quality that you could only get from a master smith. He even offered me a job, cutting boards for a fletching business he was interested in starting up. Not long after, I met another fellow named Grimace, who also offered me a timber job. Word must travel quick, though i've had less success joining the academy. I spoke to the headmistress, and she felt my skills were too insufficient to join. I shall fill a couple more of these timber orders, then focus completely on my studies to reapply.