I know this thread exists:http://uorforum.com/threads/tinker-traps.3357/ I wanted to bring to the forefront the way tinker-trapped boxes work here. It's absurd that you have to chop a box or lockpick it in order for it to release the trap on you. Magic unlock even disarms the trap. This makes one whole part of a skill entirely useless. The point of the trapped boxes is to KILL people unexpectedly, which is why it's called a trap. How are you supposed to do that if someone is 100% safe picking it up and putting it in their backpacks. I realize telekinesis can set the trap off safely from a distance, but that's something someone has to consciously think about. Has this been revisited by staff anymore? This is a great aspect to the game that's missing. Seriously.
Please address adding player involved accountability opportunity(ies) for the tinker(s) creating these death traps and I'll sign. If the solution ends up with red tinker mules locked securely away in their homes, no deal. If the solution ends up with low brow newbie greifing in occlo with mass traps laying all over the place and no player to be held accountable in some way, I'm gonna come down there and slap someone with a salmon... twice. Edit: things.
this is a good point. with 15 character slots, it's easy enough to throw one away on a tinker murderer. i'd also like to add that we don't have OSI population levels here so if you trick someone into dying at the bank or whatever, there's actually a very good chance that you'll be able to loot them clean without having to worry about guards being called on you. it just seems ripe for abuse.
How would you make this accountable? Last in possession gets the count? That would be fine so long as if a criminal or murderer dies from it I don't get any penalties. You'll probably only trick those guys once. Population levels are awesome, they are a big deal, but stupidity can't be stopped. If someone continually opens the chest with the knowledge that the last couple times it was a bad idea, i think that person would deserve to get boxed.
Universally punishing the crafter that makes a trapped chest is about as intelligent as universally jailing the manufacturers of explosives. If you don't know better than to NOT open random chests, you will learn...or keep beating your head against the wall expecting a different result...at which point, you're crazy and your 'perspective' is not worth noting. The way it was in the past was good. Trap them one way, your crafter does NOT get a count regardless. This allowed players to trap their stuff so that thieves and PK's got a little bang for their buck. Trap them another way, and you can get a count. This allowed players who wanted the notoriety of being a trapped chest murderer to be able to do that. This was a realistic compromise as an explosive can be used for good and evil and depends solely on the intent and actions of users AFTER the item is created. I liked that only the person opening the box got the damage. This reminded me of shaped charges and such and made sense. Universally giving murder counts to Tinkerers punishes the players trying to protect their belongings and is just plain stupid. Piggy-backing on this I would like to suggest chain explosion pots. Can you use it for evil? Yep. Can you use it for good? Yep. Its just like that dagger in your backpacks, folks. You can use it to stab someone or you can use it to carve kindling. Stop trying to punish everyone with big government, one size fits all, blanket policies just because someone COULD use it for nefarious deeds. *Lightshade looks forward to setting a chain explosion trap for vile, murderer PK's*
This is your proposal, not mine. As presented, it introduces a mechanic to outright murder an innocent player with no accountability. A dial for protection of your goods and dial for "I hope this kills someone as I am a crazy bomber!... muwa-ha-ha" is doable.
"the way it was in the past was good" is not an argument that holds any weight with me here. This server (and game) is completely different from the old days. We have 15 characters. I can't think of a single skill that isn't mostly or completely AFK macro'd to GM. So the cost of trapping a chest is neglible, at best. It's not like the old days. As for the protection argument, is this really a problem? Thievery is annoying enough as it is with stacked steals being a waste of time, too many things blessed or unstealable, and too many people in dungeons who rely on their pets and so only carry reagents with them. With this, you're even MORE protected from somebody doing you harm, on a server where it's already pretty dang easy to counter most problems relating to thievery or house looting (automatic GM detect in your house is lame, table walls are lame). Now you want to be able to automatically kill somebody who tries to snoop into a box you're carrying (am I reading that correctly or have I got the wrong idea for the mechanics of this?)? These are just my thoughts on the topic - trying to provide counter arguments to consider.
I don't think holding accountability is something to change, to be honest. You aren't "outright murdering an innocent." You are constantly thinking about newbies opening them or something - which i'm sure will happen. It's not only targeted at newbs or anything. If someone dies and you plant a trapped box on their corpse and the person loots it and dies, that's a trap you set for them. It could be a murderer or anybody, it doesn't matter. Traps are like guns - It's not the "gun" that kills people, it's the people using it. Like a poster above said, these can be used for good or bad intentions.
Of course the game is completely different. I agree with you that it's not the same but I believe it's mostly not the same because the people who played it back then were mostly young people who didn't know how to work the system. Nowadays it's well-educated people who know the game inside and out and can work all the angles. Why does everyone keep caring about everybody else's well being with these things? What are you guys so scared of? If you realize that you shouldn't randomly be opening boxes, then you aren't the ones who will get hit. They are strictly for surprise purposes to kill some unknowing/unlucky person. If they're snooping through your crap, damn well they should die, shouldn't they?
That's just so boring to me. Cool, you macro'd a gm tinker and now you're 100% protected from thievery!
I could, conversely, ask you what you're so scared of if you feel like there needs to be a way in this game to automatically kill somebody who looks inside a chest you're carrying or have in your home.
You take all the way to one end of the spectrum don't you? Everybody isn't going to be using these, especially for protection from thieves. You stated that you didn't like the protections everyone has (trammel) and then bitch about how something can kill you so easily (felucca). The point of this is the traps should be in the game how they are meant to be in the game. I don't ever remember a time where you could disarm the trap without the remove trap skill or using telekinesis.
I would be using these to possibly kill people who kill me, or loot my body as a last "f u" after I died. Maybe I place some on bodies or the ground to grief players. I'm scared of the fun of using these things never being a part of the game instead of protecting everybody from a true sandbox feature that was built into the game itself, not invented by players.
In the end, it may be implemented without any problems which would be great. Just, as to your point about how we all know how to game the system now, I'm wary of certain mechanics in the game that, when the game was designed seemed great, but now... might not work out so well given that I think the game has become a bit removed from its original vision.
Haha, I love the optimism, however unlikely. You know people are going to put these ALLLLLL over and abuse this to the extent of their abilities. Taking things to the max is what we do in UO 2015. Tinker traps are gimicky, and used for LOL's against unknowing/unsuspecting players ( aka new/newish players). So frustrating to be not understand the mechanic and wonder why the hell your dead and people are laughing and looting you. I would be willing to accept that certain discouragement of new players if there was some substantial gain, but there isn't. People just want cheap easy kills and lol's. I could be swayed if the traps could never kill, but would bring the victim down to the brink, 0hp or 1 hp. Then the trap is set and the trapper can go for a killing blow. It would mean you couldn't just set and forget and expect to get a kill, but if you wanted to be a trapper pk you could absolutely plant a trap and harm them once the trap is sprung( and of course this would be the part where you go criminal and get the murder count).