I say epic difficult quest to bind a helmet of your choice to a vanity mask. Mask keeps the name, hue, and image. It gains the ar value and meditation property of said helmet. The actual property transfer would be easy for telamon to code but the quest would take time. This would allow aesthetics to stay the same, a new end game goal, and an event which can have plenty of potential for an unused playstyle or even pvpers. That or make it cost 5 million for the property transfer.
http://uorforum.com/threads/epic-boss-challenge.8887/ I've always wanted this to get some steam again. Make this be the ultimate test!
I just think the best option here would be that if your wearing a mask... You lose your AR completely on helmet.. The same way as if you decide to wear a mask instead of a helmet.. That seems to be the best and only logical answer at this point; and it's the only way your not changing the mechanics and it will be used for the actual reason of this poll; which is for cosmetic purposeso nly. Then, all of the arguments here are invalid and everyone wins; you can wear a cool mask with your helmet or your fancy hat (Long Straw Hat in my case ) and then that is it. This will prevent anyone who has voted no for this poll to have nothing to complain bout (Of course, unless it just pisses you off to see someone with a mask and a fancy hat on.
Eh I just assumed and didn't read the whole thing. I don't see the point, as it's not aesthetically pleasing to me, or any reward from coding effort to do it the way op specified and thus receives a profounding no from me. If something needs dual layers it's fishing poles, more speciaclly it should be tied to the left hand id if memory serves me correctly.
I am in favor of this only if i can also wear pants under my armor. Keeping my pants in my main pack takes up too much room.
That would mostly defeat the purpose How about a plat option to add AR to a mask? Should be maybe same AR as leather cap, can only be used once (doesn't stack)
I vote no. This would be the beginning of the end of a beautiful looking shard. Next would be crazy hued mounts, samurai armor, and female chars with neon beards.
14% chance to hit the head. Dexxers are already terrible on here, and I would be hesitant to make any changes - even minor, that will nerf them even more until something is changed with them first. I love the idea! ... But no. Once random things like this get implemented, slowly slowly more will be implemented, and next thing you'll be riding Pink Unicorns casting Rainbows at eachother.
Yes that is exactly what will happen if we make a minor change to clothing deco. It will go full on tram style. You people sure do know how to make mountains out of mole hills. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid.
Ok well I hope to see your post on ANY change thread, because in your eyes, its a slippery slope and change one thing then here comes AOS and trammel. Stop trying to derail the thread. Stop throwing crap at it hoping it will stick. Stop being a <60 player posting on any thread he can.
I came here because stupid additions to the game haven't been added, and it tries to stay true to its name. I want it to stay like that and not have stupid additions added. My bad if my opinion upsets you.
You put a poll up and he's simply giving his opinion why he put no. I don't know why you feel the need to attack him.
Well there is trammel instances here so.....true to its name? I don't think so. His opinion is about what "might" happen or his fear of what he doesn't understand. The poll is about hats and mask, not his ideas of pink unicorns and whatever else he was spouting off about.
THIS is exactly my point. Chris adds a few customization's and people see this and come along with their own ideas, aka Larloch, that wants some vanity additions for no reason whatsoever because there has been other customization's in the past. And then some other guy will want Unicorns (An actual UO mount, fyi), and eventually another guy will want to be able to cast rainbows man! #TrammelIsComing